The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 1036 The most beautiful love is getting old slowly

Chapter 1036 The most beautiful love is getting old slowly

Xiao Fengling's eyes were wide open, and she looked extremely curious!
If she wasn't too young to speak, she might have said, "Mom and Dad, what are you doing?"


It's late at night...they're still moving!
It seemed that the sky was getting brighter, but they still didn't stop!

Until, for the last violent grab, they seemed to have exhausted all their energy, and finally lay down on the bed like that, and fell into a deep sleep!
Mo Shenhan hugged An Xiao'er, and closed his eyes in peace of mind. It seemed that at this moment, he felt extremely relieved and at ease!
An Xiaoer also hugged Mo Shenhan easily, and just fell asleep like that!
Breathe, evenly...

Their breath is also blended between breathing and inhaling, regardless of each other!

They are like Adam and Eve, each other is the other half they are looking for, and each other is the happiest existence of each other!
However, they went to bed at six o'clock, and at nine o'clock, they were woken up by the sound of knocking on the door!
An Xiaoer was in a deep sleep, when she heard the knock on the door, she frowned, turned over, but there was no response!
Mo Shenhan put on his pants, put on his clothes, and walked over to open the door.

Outside the door, stood the nanny and Bai Xi.

Mo Shenhan [-]. Didn't sleep at night, just fell asleep, there are some dark circles on his face from staying up late, but looking at Bai Xi, his attitude is good, "Auntie, Xiaoer is still sleeping!"

Bai Xi nodded, a ambiguous smile flashed across his face, then he looked inside and said, "I'm here to take Xiao Fengling, I'm afraid you won't have time to take care of it."

After saying that, he walked in and carried Xiao Fengling out!

Mo Shenhan: "..."

"Auntie, you are very thoughtful!" Mo Shenhan brazenly said such a sentence!

Bai Xi, "Just treat my daughter better!"

Then, as if she knew it, she hugged the child, turned around and left!
Why is Bai Xi so abnormal today?It was like knowing that Mo Shenhan and An Xiaoer had been fighting all night!
In fact, the main reason was that An Xiaoer and Mo Shenhan were abnormal first. On weekdays, An Xiaoer and Mo Shenhan woke up early for breakfast at 07:30, so there was no need to call!
It's nine o'clock today, and there's still no movement at all, which makes people a little puzzled!

Then, Bai Xi thought that after two months of An Xiaoer's body, she should be able to have intercourse...


Bai Xi is a smart person, she naturally understands all this!
However, Bai Xi even said to Mo Shenhan: "Just be nice to my daughter!"

That means, it is clearly implying that Mo Shenhan, she is very supportive of them being together!

Mo Shenhan looked at Bai Xi and the nanny who turned and went downstairs, he actually felt that a mother-in-law like Bai Xi is very happy and loving!

He sighed, and finally closed the door of the room, then, entered the room, and went on to the bed!

However, at this moment, looking at the sleeping An Xiaoer, the fragrance on her chest was faintly visible, and Mo Shenhan directly took it deep and covered it!
Afterwards, she finally closed her eyes with peace of mind, and went with An Xiaoer to a date with Zhou Ding!
In his dream, he dreamed of An Xiaoer, a gray-haired An Xiaoer with many wrinkles on his face, his own hair was also gray, and he looked a little hunchbacked, but it was still the same every day Lovely, An Xiaoer sat on the swing, while Mo Shenhan was at the side, gently pushing the swing for her...

Mo Shenhan dreamed of the love between him and An Xiaoer after they got old, and the corners of his lips evoked a happy smile because of the beauty of the dream.

(End of this chapter)

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