The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 1037 Sequelae of strenuous exercise

Chapter 1037 Sequelae of strenuous exercise
An Xiaoer and Mo Shenhan really slept for a long time. At five o'clock in the afternoon, An Xiaoer woke up from hunger!

After all, after fighting all night, I feel my body is hollowed out!Then I missed breakfast and lunch, no wonder I'm not hungry!
It's just that sometimes, sleeping is really more important than eating. It's like if you stay up all night, facing the problem of eating and sleeping, you must choose to sleep.

An Xiaoer was too tired and sleepy, so she didn't think about eating. She didn't wake up until this moment when she was very hungry.

When I woke up, there was no sign of Mo Shenhan beside the bed, there was a glass of milk on the table, and there was a note, "You slept soundly, so I didn't wake you up, you must be hungry, drink first Fill your stomach with a glass of milk and remember to eat!"

When An Xiaoer saw the note, she knew it was written by Mo Shenhan!
My heart is also warm.

However, I immediately thought of Mo Shenhan's stomach, which is very bad. She is so hungry that her stomach hurts, Mo Shenhan, will it feel bad?

An Xiaoer was very worried, so she hurriedly called Mo Shenhan, and the call was connected not long after.

"Xiao'er, are you awake?"

An Xiaoer nodded, "Where are you?"

"Little Fengling has a low-grade fever. My aunt and I brought her to the hospital to have a look." On the other end of the phone, Mo Shenhan answered, his voice seemed normal.

An Xiaoer guessed, his stomach should be fine, right?After all, there is no problem with hearing the voice, and the tone of speech is also normal.

However, An Xiaoer was still worried, and couldn't help asking, "Mo Shenhan, is your stomach okay? Have you eaten yet?"

"Eat." Hearing An Xiaoer's question, Mo Shenhan felt warm in his heart, "I woke up at twelve o'clock in the noon. After I got up, I had lunch with my aunt."

"That's good." Hearing what Mo Shenhan said, An Xiaoer felt relieved.

"How is Little Fengling? Why does she have a fever?" Speaking of the child's illness, An Xiaoer was a little nervous at the moment.

In fact, it is normal for children to get sick or something, but parents are still worried.

"It's okay. Children's immune systems are relatively weak and they are more likely to get sick. Just see a doctor. It's all right now. I guess we'll be back in a while."

An Xiaoer nodded, knowing that Mo Shenhan was fine and Xiao Fengling was fine, she was relieved.

hang up the phone.

An Xiaoer got up and wanted to sit on the bed, but at this moment, she felt a pain in her lower abdomen!

An Xiaoer could only cover it with her hands, pressed it, and continued to feel soreness.

If she hadn't experienced human affairs and Mo Shenhan's fierceness, An Xiaoer must have panicked when faced with this situation!
After all, abdominal pain is not a joke, most people will be very nervous!

However, An Xiaoer just knew what was going on!

There's only one reason: it's too hard!

Thinking of the one-night madness last night, they almost exhausted all their physical strength before they slept peacefully!

It's no wonder that the lower abdomen doesn't hurt after such strenuous exercise and long-term exercise!
An Xiaoer sighed helplessly. In fact, this kind of pain is also a kind of beauty!
I don't know if Mo Shenhan will also be in pain?
When he comes back, ask!

Because the muscles in her stomach were uncomfortable, An Xiaoer moved slowly, so she could only hold the milk slowly and drank a few sips.

(End of this chapter)

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