Chapter 105 Son, Your Mother Is Sick
Mo Shenhan's hand was held by his son like that, and he lost his mind for a moment.

His little hands were fleshy and warm, and the warm temperature seemed to penetrate his skin and warm his heart.

Holding my son's hand for the first time!To be exact, he was holding hands with his son!
Also, such a warm little hand and such a reckless look made Mo Shenhan think of An Xiaoer again!

Is it an illusion?

My own son, like An Xiaoer!

It is estimated that An Xiaoer was very annoyed today, so she is always in my mind, and I think of her every now and then!
Thinking of last night's enthusiasm, Mo Shenhan enjoyed it very much, knowing the taste by eating the marrow.

An Xiaoer is that seductive little goblin, he, Mo Shenhan, has never indulged himself in women, but An Xiaoer gave him a special feeling.

However, when Mo Shenhan finally found out that he was interested in something, An Xiaoer rejected him!

He said, Mo Shenhan, you don't lack men, and I also don't lack women, she said, don't miss him!

An Xiaoer, doesn't he lack men?
That's right, she is not virgin after all, there must be a man!

After all, An Xiaoer is so stupid, so it's inevitable that she doesn't have much experience. He can't judge that she has done little because she seems to be very inexperienced.

When he looked at his son and accidentally thought of An Xiaoer, Mo Shenhan felt that he was crazy. What was it about An Xiaoer that made him think that his son resembled her several times!

Shaking his head and looking at his son, the son just said, if you have time, let's go to see mother together? !
Could it be that because of the bewitching of Lin Jingjing and the others, did Mo Ruiyang start to miss his mother?

Mo Shenhan looked at his son, "Yangyang, it's impossible for your little aunt to be your mother, but if you look at your mother, don't. Your mother is sick, and she doesn't want you to see her." She, when she recovers one day, let's go see her again!"

Mo Ruiyang's mother, what Mo Shenhan understood was: Lin Yiyi.

Lin Yiyi had a car accident and became a vegetative state. She is now receiving treatment every day in a hospital in Country M, but there is no sign of waking up.

After all, Mo Ruiyang is still young, how can he be allowed to see a vegetative person lying motionless on the bed?

Although it is said that his son is smarter and more mature than other children, he is still a child after all, so he cannot be left in the shadow.

So, to see his mother, don't think about it, just cut it off.

At this time, Mo Ruiyang's cell phone rang, and it was Lu Moxuan's call.

Mo Shenhan has already finished what he wanted to say, just to emphasize that it is impossible for Lin Jingjing to be Mo Ruiyang's mother.

After finishing speaking, there was no need to stay any longer. I just had a phone call, so I answered it.

An Yingnian saw that her father was busy, so she didn't bother him.

However, confused by what Dad said, Dad said, Mom is sick?

However, my mother is not sick at all, okay!

Could it be that during the few days she left home, was her mother sick?Then he has to go home quickly, anyway, Dad also saw it, knowing what Dad looks like, he is satisfied!

He really should go back.

But, that's not right. The mother my father mentioned seems to be not my An Xiaoer's mother. Wait, grandma, why do I have two grandmas?One is the grandma who grew up together since childhood, and the other is the grandma I met at dinner two days ago.

Yangyang's mother and grandmother are not her own grandmother, so is her father his father?An Yingnian was a little confused, no, he has to ask Yang Yang, and he has to go home.

 Ahhh~ I don’t want to code words one day, I decided that I want to add more to motivate myself~ There is another chapter to be updated later~
(End of this chapter)

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