Chapter 106 Niannian is a happy treasure
Mo Shenhan answered Lu Moxuan's phone call, and they were talking about work, some things about the companies bidding for "Xi Han Yi Yu".

It was almost the same, when Lu Moxuan was about to hang up the phone, Lu Moxuan mentioned An Xiaoer.

"Mo, An Xiaoer has completed my task, and she did a good job!"

His mission?When did An Xiaoer do a task for Lu Moxuan?
Mo Shenhan was obviously displeased because An Xiaoer and Lu Moxuan got close, "Are you so idle? Still thinking about taking care of your apprentice?"

I remember that not long ago, when Mo Shenhan asked him to take someone with him, Lu Moxuan waved his hand and said that he was very busy, so it would be a leisurely time.

"Such a good piece of material, of course it needs to be well assisted!" Lu Moxuan said with a smile.

"It's indeed a good piece of material, but it's not yours." After Mo Shenhan said this, he hung up the phone.

Lu Moxuan looked at the phone that had been hung up, and always felt that there were some unusual messages here, not from him, could it be from Mo Shenhan?
Tsk tsk tsk, there is a good show to watch.

After a while, it's time to eat.

He didn't eat at home last night. Tonight, he probably won't be able to escape all kinds of pressure from his father.

While eating, he also saw two people who hadn't disliked him for a long time, Mo Shenlie and Mo Qingge.

Several people glanced at each other, shifted their target after a tacit glance, full of displeasure.

Aunt Lan gave Mo Ruiyang a chicken leg, "Yangyang, poor child, I heard from the housekeeper that you are not feeling well recently, you should eat more."

An Yingnian looked at the chicken drumsticks, um, he likes to eat them, and immediately took a bite happily, with a sweet mouth, "Thank you grandma~grandma, I love chicken drumsticks!"

Liu Piaolan smiled gratifiedly, and really felt that this child has changed a lot since he came back from home last time.

She has become a lot cuter, loves to laugh, and is more lively and cheerful.

It's better to have such a child, it makes people happy to look at, but if it's as cold and unkind as his father, it's not good.

Seeing his son like this, Mo Shenhan's lips twitched, but he didn't react too much.

On the other hand, Mo Shenlie glanced at Mo Shenhan, then at Mo Ruiyang, his eyes darkened, "Yangyang, besides chicken legs, what else do you like to eat?"

"That's it~" An Yingnian answered other people's questions enthusiastically, turning her big black grape-like eyes, "I like to eat..."

However, before he finished speaking, Mo Shenhan interrupted, "Yangyang is not picky about food, he only cares about who is picking things up for him."

"Hmm..." Hearing that his father answered for him, but it wasn't the question he wanted to answer, he was a little puzzled, he is obviously picky eater, okay?

However, since his father said it for him, he doesn't want to embarrass his father, so let's just pretend that he is not picky eaters.

Originally, what Mo Shenhan meant by saying this was: Yangyang is his son, so I don't want you to worry about it.

Besides, Mo Shenhan knew that his son was very smart and could hear the undertones, so he could definitely tell from it that he didn't like him as an uncle.

Therefore, Mo Shenhan was very sure.

However, after Mo Shenlie took a look at Yangyang, he asked, "Then Yangyang, do you like uncle to hold things for you?"

Uncle, so that person is Yangyang's uncle. An Yingnian thought about it, since he is a relative, he should love Yangyang very much. Since he is pretending to be Yangyang, he must maintain Yangyang's image, and immediately nodded, "I like it." Ah! Thank you, uncle."

Mo Shenhan's face suddenly darkened.

(End of this chapter)

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