The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 107 Slapping in the face, having the same virtue as Chu Qiao

Chapter 107 Slapping in the face, the same virtue as Chu Qiao

Mo Shenhan was so angry that his son actually accepted a thief as his wife!
like?Look at his flattery when he said to Mo Shenlie, "I like it! Thank you uncle!"
I'm really going to be pissed off by him!
However, I vaguely remember that An Xiaoer also likes this!

Once again, Mo Shenhan felt that his son was like An Xiaoer, he was really crazy, why did he want to think of An Xiaoer so well, did he think that his son was like An Xiaoer?

Hearing what Mo Ruiyang said, Mo Shenlie looked at Mo Shen's cold and gloomy face again, and smiled triumphantly. The time in his eyes was gloomy and cold. He picked up a spoon, filled a bowl of soup, and brought it in front of the child .

"Yangyang is so sweet."

Being praised by others would make An Ying die of joy. You must know that children with poor grades are rarely praised, but often scolded.

This Yangyang sound was so obedient, it could make An Yingnian fly into the sky with joy.

Looking at the bowl of soup, he didn't like to drink it at all, but because he was happy, he picked it up, took a big mouthful of food and put it down.

Afterwards, I also knew that it was so brilliant that the curvature of the mouth was about to become a semicircle.

"Thank you uncle, it's delicious."

Afterwards, he lowered his head again and continued to eat the chicken leg that his grandma gave him just now.

Mo Shenhan gave Mo Ruiyang a hard look, but his son didn't even look at him!

Mo Shenhan gritted his teeth, but there was nothing he could do with his son!

Looking at his son's cheerfulness, Mo Shenlie is still looking at him with a wild smile at this moment, as if showing off his proud achievements.

Mo Shenhan looked at the dish farthest from him on the table, and a wicked smile curled up on his lips.

"Yangyang, when your uncle serves you soup, you have to express it. Your uncle likes onions the most. You can pick some up for him and show your gratitude to him."

When An Yingnian heard her father call him "he", she turned her head, her father looked at him with a smile, An Yingnian thought about it, and felt that what her father said seemed quite reasonable.

Then he picked up the chopsticks, picked up a small plate next to it, and after picking it up, he deliberately left his seat, went to the seat opposite Mo Shenlie, and put the onion into Mo Shenlie's rice bowl.

"Uncle, I'll eat for you, hee hee."

An Yingnian's smile was so pure and romantic.

The reason why she ran so far to get it to him was because An Yingnian wanted to put it in his bowl, but her hands were too short, so she had to use this method!

He felt that his uncle should be very happy that he made such a special trip.

Mo Shenhan curled his lips into a smile.

Mo Shenlie looked at Mo Shenhan's smile, he didn't want to eat it, he didn't want to eat it, he squinted at Mo Bozhi who was sitting in the main seat, and there was a sinister smile in his eyes.

"Uncle likes onions the most."

Then, pick it up and eat it.

Mo Qingge, who was sitting next to Mo Shenlie, threw away Mo Shenlie's chopsticks!

"Brother, are you crazy?" Mo Qingge's face was full of fury and fierceness.

Seeing that her brother's bowl was full of onions and onion soup, she picked it up angrily and slammed it down on the ground!

"Brother, everyone in this family, except Dad, hates us so much! Are you really stupid or fake, and you want to please Mo Shenhan's son?"

"Don't look at this kid as small, but he's abominable! Look at him, how good at acting, with such a bright smile, who is he showing to? Let me see, he's as virtuous as Mo Shenhan, and even more like Chu Qiao back then Virtue, they are all the scum of the family!"

Mo Qingge looked at the little child, her eyes could shoot fire, if it weren't for the fact that An Yingnian was too far away from her, she probably would have slapped An Yingnian several times.

(End of this chapter)

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