Chapter 108 Be good~ there is me!
"Auntie, what are you talking about?" An Yingnian was taken aback by this sudden gesture.

How could that woman be so fierce?The look in her eyes was a thousand times more terrifying than when the first two aunts named Lin Jingjing stared at him.

Also, since she still scolded him, scolded her father, and scolded a person named Chu Qiao.

Who is Chu Qiao?

An Yingnian was only five years old, she was just an ordinary child, when she encountered this kind of thing, she was completely shocked, her face was mummified.

What did he do wrong?

"What did I say? Who in this family doesn't know that my brother is allergic to onions, how about you? You don't leave onions for three or five meals, it's good now, and you dare to put onions in my brother's bowl! You miss my brother Die, all of you will die!"

Mo Qingge's eyes seemed to be emitting fire, staring at An Yingnian, An Yingnian even forgot how to react.

Uncle can't eat onions?But, he didn't know, he was just out of kindness, he really thought that uncle liked to eat onions!
Mo Qingge's words implicated many people, the rice was ordered by Liu Piaolan, and now she is also scolded.

It was as if everyone in this family, except Mo Bozhi, wanted to frame their brother and sister.

An Yingnian felt that she had done something bad, her whole body trembled slightly, with guilt and grievance on her face, but she didn't know what to do, she just stared blankly at Mo Qingge.

After all, he was just a child, a five-year-old child.

If it was Mo Ruiyang, he might be able to withstand such a scene, but he is not Mo Ruiyang, he is An Yingnian!
An Yingnian was really frightened by her aunt's fierce appearance.


A pair of big hands suddenly hugged him.

He picked him up, left the seat, and finally carried him to the seat beside him.

It's dad.

An Yingnian looked at her father strangely, with grievances in her eyes, but because of her father's embrace and his warm and caring actions, her heart suddenly calmed down, she was no longer afraid, no longer afraid.

"Dad..." An Yingnian looked at her father. At this moment, she felt that it was really wonderful to have her father around!
It's no wonder that those children are always very proud when they mention their father. It turns out that it's really good to have their father hugging and protecting them.

However, An Yingnian didn't understand, since my uncle couldn't eat onions, why did my father want him to give him to eat?

Also, since the uncle can't eat it, why should he pick it up and eat it?

He can't eat, just don't eat!

No matter who is right or wrong in this matter, An Yingnian is protecting his weaknesses, and Mo Shenhan is his father, so he naturally wants to stand by his father's side and be his caring little baby.

There must be a reason why Dad asked him to pick up onions for uncle.

Being hugged by her father at this moment, An Yingnian felt a lot more at ease, looking at her aunt's eyes, she didn't feel so scared anymore.

"Good... are you scared?" Mo Shenhan looked at his son, and when he heard him call "Dad" aggrievedly, his heart was suddenly moved, "Dad apologizes to you, Dad shouldn't put you on the tip of the knife pushed."

Mo Shenhan's voice was softer than ever, and it was the first time he spoke to his son like this.

An Yingnian shook her head, "I don't blame Dad, a tiger doesn't eat its offspring, so Dad won't harm me."

An Yingnian used a proverb for a rare time. If An Xiaoer knew it, she would be very surprised.

Mo Shenhan would hold his son in his arms and say such gentle words. If Mo Ruiyang knew it, he would be inconceivable and jealous. After all, the person who was held in his arms by his father was not he.

(End of this chapter)

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