Chapter 1078
"In the middle of the night, a man and a woman, you still say it's not a date! Could it be that it's about acting?" Lin Xiaoxiao continued to refute Mo's late night words.

"She's in a bad mood, let me go over there to accompany her! What kind of logic are you talking about, are the two just dating?" Mo Shenye was also depressed!

The two of them kept bickering over whether they were dating or not.

"Why don't you think about it, why is she in a bad mood and asks you to accompany her? Doesn't she treat you as a special person?"

Although Lin Xiaoxiao usually doesn't understand feelings that well, but at this moment she sees it very clearly.

Choked by Lin Xiaoxiao's words, Mo Shenye fell silent like that.

However, Lin Xiaoxiao was still in a bad mood, sour.

The car was very quiet, the two of them were silent and did not speak, driving all the way towards the hospital.

When they arrived at the hospital, Mo Shenye took Lin Xiaoxiao out of the car, and then walked towards the hospital.

"Her ankle is twisted, please take a look." Mo Shenye said.

The doctor pinched it, and the pain caused Lin Xiaoxiao to ache, "Ah, it hurts..."

Seeing Lin Xiaoxiao yelling in pain, Mo Shenye was in a bad mood for some reason, "What are you doing? Can't you be lighter?"

The doctor was also helpless, "Your girlfriend has nothing to do, it's just twisted, just apply some medicine."

So, in fact, they don't need to come to the hospital at all, there are medicines in the apartment, but Mo Shenye has to bring her to the hospital to have a look at his peace of mind.

On the way back, Mo Shenye was a little depressed. Looking at her, she said, "Send me back!"

"You live alone, it's inconvenient if you're injured, go to my place!" But he said so.

Finally went back to the apartment, but Mo Shenye went out, "I'll be back as soon as I go!"

Lin Xiaoxiao didn't speak, and watched him leave silently, thinking in her heart, he should go to see Mu Xiyue!

It's past eleven o'clock now, he went, will he really come back?
There was always a sore feeling in her heart, Lin Xiaoxiao sighed, "Lin Xiaoxiao, Lin Xiaoxiao, you are so crazy, why are you in such a bad mood? Don't forget, you have a boyfriend, what about him? ? He must be a good match for Mu Xiyue, you are so stupid, you are so delusional!"

Lin Xiaoxiao was lying on the bed, and the bed smelled of Mo Shenye, which made her feel at ease, and wanted to be in Feifei again.

No matter how much I can't sleep, I have to accept the bed, and the second is to think, why hasn't Mo Shenye come back yet?

She doesn't have a mobile phone, because the bag was snatched by that villain, she is really depressed, what a loss tonight!

But, thinking about what Mo said late at night, that bag is a fake, is it really a fake?
She still didn't believe it was a fake, her boyfriend Zhang Zhenhao didn't need to lie to her.

But, could Mo Shenye lie to her?

Forget it, it’s just a bag, why think so much?Perhaps, Zhang Zhenhao was deceived by someone, or perhaps, Mo Shenye also misjudged him sometimes.

At this moment, thinking about her meeting with Zhang Zhenhao, she felt that she and him were on good terms, and she liked that feeling very much.

However, tonight she kissed Mo late at night inexplicably, and she was tangled in her heart again.

She seemed to have a special feeling for Mo Shenye, and seemed to like him a little bit!

Lin Xiaoxiao, you can't do this, eating what's in the bowl and thinking about what's in the pot, what's the difference between you and a flirtatious woman?You like Zhang Zhenhao, your boyfriend is also Zhang Zhenhao, remember?
She reminded herself again and again, and just fell asleep like this...

(End of this chapter)

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