The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 1079 It's normal to take care of you

Chapter 1079 It's normal to take care of you

Mu Xiyue was in her apartment, waiting for Mo Shenye to come over.

She has always known that Mo Shenye has certain thoughts about her, but this year, she has been enjoying his kindness, but her heart is vacillating and she wants to be with Mo Shenhan.

She's been in a bad mood recently, because I heard that the Mo Family actually allowed Dugu Xinyue to date Mo Shenhan, so, could it be that Dugu Xinyue is the next An Xiaoer who will take Mo Shenhan away from her side? snatch it?
A combination of uneasiness, unwillingness, anger, and sadness made her extremely uncomfortable.

Went shopping this afternoon, talked about An Xiaoer and Dugu Xinyue, Mu Xiyue was very unhappy, and said a lot of bad things about them.

Unexpectedly, a woman appeared and pushed her hard, "I don't allow you to say that about An Xiaoer!"

She knows that woman, her name is Lin Xiaoxiao, and she has a very good relationship with An Xiaoer!
On the street, the two of them wore masks, mainly because they didn't want to be recognized as popular stars, so even if Lin Xiaoxiao pushed her like that, she could only endure it.

Unexpectedly, Mo Shenye actually pulled her, "Why are you here?"

The tone of voice seemed to be very familiar to them, and Mu Xiyue frowned when she heard it!

Lin Xiaoxiao waved her hands and left, "Whether I'm here or not has nothing to do with you."

After that, Mo Shenye has been restless.

With a woman's intuition, Mu Xiyue felt that Mo Shenye and that woman seemed to have an unusual relationship, so she paid more attention.

Suddenly tonight was very sad, she suddenly missed Mo Shenye, so she called!

But why haven't you come after so long?An hour has passed!

Mu Xiyue felt a little uneasy in her heart, until there was a knock on the door, and the corners of her lips were blooming with beautiful colors at this moment, and she hurried to open the door.

"Xiyue, what's wrong with you?" Mo Shenye looked at Mu Xiyue, a little worried.

"It's just a sudden bad mood. Thinking about my experience for so many years, it seems that I have many things that I didn't have before, but now I have them, but after thinking about it, I suddenly feel that I don't have anything. Feel!"

Mu Xiyue sighed after saying these words.

She is 28 this year!
"Why are you doing this? You have everything now, what do you lack? Don't continue to entangle with my brother, his heart is not with you, no matter how persistent you are, it's useless!" Mo Shenye could tell that the main source of Mu Xiyue's sadness , It's Mo Shenhan.

He was also very puzzled, it has been so long, a year ago, Mo Shenhan already said that the person he loves is An Xiaoer, why should she be persistent?
"I... I don't know what to do!" Mo Shenye could hear Mu Xiyue's inner voice all at once, and she looked at him with attachment for a long time, before saying, "Midnight, thank you for this year , has been with me, fortunately, I still have you, so I won't be so lonely!"

The atmosphere tonight seems to be a little different, Mu Xiyue's tenderness is so tender and pitiful that Mo Shenye doesn't know what to do!

Mu Xiyue is two years older than Mo Shenye. He has always regarded her as a fragile elder sister, and he wants to take care of her more. However, when it comes to other feelings, in fact, there may still be some!
Mu Xiyue's words always make people think too much, and Mo Shenye did think too much, but he also respects her and doesn't want to start thinking wildly just because of her words.

"It's normal to take care of you, it's nothing."

 Tomorrow, on the 22nd, Yaya is going to travel far away, and the update is unstable. I will strive for a stable update.

  It's been a long time since I asked for a monthly pass. Do you have a monthly pass?Please smash me!
(End of this chapter)

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