Chapter 1091 Never Derailed

Mo Shenhan looked at An Xiaoer's terrified look, his eyes were deep and calm, "Let's look for it slowly, the more chaotic you are, the harder it is to find!"

An Xiaoer nodded.

So, Mo Shenhan called first and ordered the whole city to search and arrest. It is impossible for Nian Nian to leave City B. They are looking for City B, and the difficulty will not be too great.

Mo Shenhan took An Xiaoer to search around the neighborhood first, but they couldn't find it. Later, they went around the car and searched on the street, but after searching for a long time, there was no result.

An Xiaoer became more and more anxious, "How could Nian Nian disappear? Nian Nian is very obedient and won't run away by himself, unless, unless...unless someone takes him away!"

"Could it be human traffickers?" An Xiaoer's heart trembled when she thought of human traffickers, "What if the human traffickers abducted and sold them away, or directly stole human organs?"

Thinking of this, An Xiaoer's heart was even more frightened!
Hands couldn't help trembling.

"It can't be a human trafficker. Think about it. There was a sudden fire in the hotel. After the fire, Nian Nian disappeared. It seems that it's just fishing in troubled waters. Someone wanted to take advantage of the chaos and kidnap Nian Nian."

"Then, what should we do?" An Xiaoer was too panicked just now, and didn't have so many thoughts to analyze. Now after listening to Mo Shenhan's words, she felt that there was some truth in it.

"Who would have kidnapped Niannian, who would it be?"

"Who do you think?" Mo Shenhan narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at An Xiaoer and asked.

Hearing this, An Xiaoer guessed in her heart, "Mo Qingge, could it be her?"

Maybe An Xiaoer really has a thing for Mo Qingge, so when a problem arises, the first thing An Xiaoer thinks of is Mo Qingge!

Mo Shenhan narrowed his eyes, "I suspect it's her too! However, there are other people."

An Xiaoer nodded.

"Xiao'er, let me tell you something!" Mo Shenhan looked at An Xiaoer, "The reason why I never celebrate my birthday is because the day my mother went to heaven was also my birthday .”

"So, I never wanted to celebrate my birthday."

"At that time, there was a problem with the relationship between my father and mother. My father always thought that my mother had cheated. But when he cheated, what did he know? Besides, my mother never cheated. .”

"So, because today is my birthday, but you saw the fire, you remembered those things, didn't you?" Hearing what Mo Shenhan said, An Xiaoer understood why he never had a birthday, even before she When this matter was mentioned, Mo Shenhan became directly angry without saying a word.

It turned out that this was the case.

"Mo Shenhan, I'm sorry!" An Xiaoer felt even more sad when she heard Mo Shenhan's words now, "I'm sorry, I didn't know before, and I always wanted to press you."

"It's okay, I didn't blame you." Mo Shenhan replied.

"This matter has been my heart disease for so many years, and I have been reluctant to tell others, but I still have to let go of what should be let go."

"Then, your mother didn't cheat, but she was wronged like that?" An Xiaoer asked, feeling in her heart that she was so wronged to pass away like this.

"Let him feel that my mother cheated, but it was a kind of punishment for him! As for the person who hurt my mother, she will not end well!" Mo Shenhan said indifferently, "At that time, I was only four years old, and she He died in a car accident!"

(End of this chapter)

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