Chapter 1092 The Four-Year-Old Child

At that time, I was only four years old, and she died in a car accident!


Why did Mo Shenhan emphasize that he was only four years old at that time?

An Xiaoer looked at Mo Shenhan suspiciously, "Her death..."

Listening to Mo Shenhan's words, An Xiaoer always thought that the woman's death had something to do with Mo Shenhan, but can a four-year-old really do it?

An Xiaoer was suspicious again.

Mo Shenhan said, "When a four-year-old child loses his most important thing, he may not be four years old anymore."

"So, you mean, her death has something to do with you?" When An Xiaoer said this, she was very surprised and couldn't believe it.

"Well, it has something to do with me!" Mo Shenhan replied indifferently, "Also, Mo Shenlie and Mo Qingge couldn't go back to the Mo family in those years, and I was the one doing the tricks, do you think I'm scary? "

This is the first time Mo Shenhan told others about this matter. After so many years, no one knows what happened back then.

At this moment, it was really full of sadness.

He didn't know why he told An Xiaoer these things, but he just wanted to tell An Xiaoer.

Perhaps, after An Xiaoer knew these things, she would think him terrible. After all, at the age of four, she caused a car accident and killed a person!

Moreover, for so many years, Mo Shenlie, who was seven years old at that time, and Mo Qingge, who was just born, lost their mothers, but they could not return to the Mo family. They could only stay outside until Mo Qingge was 19 years old. He just came back, and all of this was also manipulated by Mo Shenhan.

If Mo Shenhan hadn't nodded, they wouldn't be able to come back for the rest of their lives!

As for why Mo Shenhan allowed them to come back?Because, in the face of the enemy's child, he naturally has to compete!

"Mo Shenhan, actually, I understand you, because I have also experienced hardships, and I have hatred in my heart!" An Xiaoer sighed, "I am really on guard against Mo Qingge all the time, afraid that she will hurt the child. They are disadvantaged."

Listening to An Xiaoer's words, Mo Shenhan's eyes became colder, "This matter may have something to do with Mo Qingge, but it may also be done by other people."

"Could it be Lin Yiyi, or Mu Xiyue?" An Xiaoer said, and then she remembered what Lin Yiyi said just now, "After all, Dugu Xinyue is not Nian Nian's mother!"

Those people are all An Xiaoer's rivals in love. Maybe they really tried every means to get her away from Mo Shenhan!
"I will pay more attention to the movements of these people, and we will try our best to find them." Mo Shenhan replied.

An Xiaoer was very restless just now, but now she has calmed down a lot, she nodded, "That's the only way!"

Really, I am very worried about Nian Nian, but Nian Nian must be fine!
In the middle of the night, it was originally An Xiaoer and Dugujin's birthdays, but because of Nian Nian's disappearance, everyone was extremely panicked and kept looking for Nian Nian's whereabouts, but there was no result.

Looking at the scene of the fire, there is really no trace of Niannian. Moreover, the fire at the scene of the fire was not that big. Relationship.

"Mo Shenhan, tell me, if they took Niannian away and wanted to blame me, then Niannian must be in danger! We have to find Niannian quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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