Chapter 1100 I Love Your Diary

Mo Bozhi finally opened the notebook.

The first page is recorded on the first day of their marriage.
Today, I got married with Ah Zhi. My parents did not support our marriage, because Ah Zhi’s conditions are very average, and he has no parents. Also, they are not optimistic about this marriage contract, because they have planned a marriage partner for me, but, I like Azhi, so, regardless of everyone's opposition, I went from city H to distant city B.

We love each other so much and we will love forever! -
When Mo Bozhi saw this, he still had an unhappy expression just now, but now he seemed to be a little more sad. He continued to turn the pages until he reached the second page.
Azhi said he wanted to start a business, and I naturally supported her. She didn't have much money, but I had some savings. I pawned some jewelry my mother gave me today, exchanged some money, and gave it to him.I naturally unconditionally support what my husband is going to do.
Mo Bozhi continued to flip, the more he flipped to the back, the more sad he was, and when he saw a place, he suddenly laughed.
When taking a bath today, Ah Zhi said that he wants a daughter, and hopes that I will give him a daughter. After only two months of marriage, he wants me to have a baby?There is a lot of pressure, but actually I want it too, ahem, ahem, I want a son, an outstanding and handsome boy like him.

Mo Bozhi continued to flip through, and even a lot of emotion appeared on his face.
Azhi’s studio has been in operation for almost half a year, and there has been some improvement. I am really happy for him. He is a very remarkable person. Even though he is very ordinary now, I am very optimistic about him. Sooner or later, I will I brought the outstanding him to my parents and told them that I did not choose wrongly. I think my parents would be very happy that day.
I’m at home every day, I don’t do anything, it’s actually quite boring, when I’m bored, I just play with some flowers and plants, cook, and wait for him to come back, in fact, the most important thing is to wait for him to come back, love someone, really I think about him all the time!Hey, maybe he is busy and I am very leisurely, so I think his time is really too much, and I don’t know if those wives who are waiting for their husbands at home feel the same as me, Maybe, it is really necessary to have a child to not be so boring, but why is the stomach not improving at all? -
I have been married for two years, and before I knew it, it was so fast. From the beginning, I expected to have a boy or a girl, but now it has become my expectation. Could it be infertility?Azhi's company has started to have some achievements, and it is getting better and better, but he is getting busier and busier, hehe...
Ah Zhi went on a business trip, and when I came back, I saw some lipstick on his clothes, and I began to panic, we have experienced so much along the way, and I have always loved him, but will he have One day, it started to change?When I saw the lipstick, I felt uncomfortable and questioned him, but he hesitated. Later, he said that he did something wrong when he was drunk. He loved me very much. He said that such a thing would never happen again. Angry, okay, I love him, and I really didn't care too much about it, so just forgive him this time!But really just once! -
After five years of marriage, I'm finally pregnant. I'm so happy. You're a bit late for this child. I've been looking forward to it for a long time!
(End of this chapter)

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