Chapter 1101 I Love Your Diary 2
It's Chinese New Year, and Azhi is very free recently. I thought, let's go to my mother's house. Although I was unhappy because of my marriage, it was my home, my parents after all.I packed up and went shopping with him, but why did I meet a woman?Holding Azhi's hand, she looked very sweet. What's more, that woman was holding a three-year-old boy in her hand!
I started to quarrel with Azhi!Noisy!I really didn't expect that he has been deceiving me like this for so many years!

I want to get a divorce, but when I think of the child in my stomach, I...
Today he compromised with me, said, "Let's make it up", said, "He loves me", said, "Never have anything to do with that woman again!"

However, I don't have that much confidence to believe him anymore. After all, three years ago, he said that there will be no next time!

Forget it, live their own lives!
The baby is born, it is a boy, I am both happy and sad, love, what is love?I used to fantasize that I could tell him that his parents are very loving and loving, which can make him very proud, and I even thought about making him an excellent, outstanding, and very warm person in the future!

But, all of this, at this moment, I really don't know what else is left!

I chose the child's name because he doesn't deserve it!

Because their generation in the family has a deep character, I finally took his name and called it "Mo Shenhan".

In the past, I thought about making him an outstanding warm man, but at this moment, I only entrusted my scars.
When Mo Bozhi saw this, there was already a sense of guilt in Mo Bozhi's eyes, but he continued to flip through it.

Until, flip over to the back.
Today, I received a text message from a good friend of mine, saying that he had something very important to ask me.

However, when I went there, I was knocked out. I don't know what happened afterwards. I only know that when I woke up, I was lying in the hotel room.

I went home very strangely. When I got home, Ah Zhi had a cold face, and took a photo and asked who the man next to me was. I saw that I was not wearing anything, and there was a man lying beside me. I don’t know. What exactly happened, but I thought about the information I received, and after I was knocked out, I now know that I was framed!

But, I didn't try to explain, I just smiled, without saying a word, I hugged my son, turned around and left like that, when I turned around, I knew Azhi was very angry.

But what does he have to do with me when he is angry?The clear one cleans himself, I never betrayed him, I just never betrayed, I don't want to explain anything, especially to someone who has betrayed me!
On the contrary, after knowing that he was angry, he felt a kind of revenge-like pleasure. I think, he thought I betrayed him, that kind of feeling, as if I knew someone betrayed me! -
Ah Zhi didn't go home again, and he hasn't been here for a week. Even if he came back, it would be of no use, at most, the two of them would look at each other coldly!
I have been married for five years, and my son is three years old. He is really smart and well-behaved, but he is just too quiet, like a melancholy prince...

(End of this chapter)

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