The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 1102 How did love become a tragedy?

Chapter 1102 How did love become a tragedy?

I don't know why I still insist on keeping a diary now. The purpose of writing a diary at the beginning was to record the details of our love, but now, the diary is full of tragedies.

What I love the most is Han Han. I gave him life, but I couldn't give him a happy home. But, I really, can only do my best to love him!

Hanhan's birthday is coming soon, I prepared a birthday present, it is a car model, although he is very small, but he already loves cars, I think, when he sees the birthday present on his birthday, he will be very happy Be happy!

I want to give him a very happy birthday party and make him happy.

But, on his birthday, the most important thing is that his father is here, so I called Azhi.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the call came, it was a woman's voice, and the woman said, "Why are you still calling? Do you think you can still make him like you? Stop dreaming, okay? Divorce quickly, don't delay others!"

I was very angry and hung up the phone directly! -
In the evening, Ah Zhi came back. I saw him, but I didn't mention my son's birthday to him anymore. He must have forgotten it. After all, he cared too little about this son!
I saw that he was changing clothes, so I asked, "I won't be back for a few days this time!"

As a result, he said, "I will come back every day in the future!"

I didn't know what he meant at the time, and I even thought in my heart, did I suddenly realize that I want to spend more time with my son?

As a result, he said, "I will take that woman with me and come back to live in the future! If you can't stay any longer, you can leave!"

I was very angry at the time, and I said, "Exactly, I also want to marry the person I like, thank you for allowing me!"

Actually, there is no one I like...

Watching him slam the door away, my heart is dead...
When he saw this, Mo Bozhi had already turned to the last page. At this moment, his hands trembled a little. When he recalled the events of that year, he was really full of emotions at the moment .

"You, mother, have you been writing a diary for so many years?" Mo Bozhi looked at Mo Shenhan and said such a sentence.

Mo Shenhan didn't reply, but said, "I've shown you the diary, after all, you are the one who is sorry for my mother! You are not qualified to say anything about her!"

At this moment, Mo Bozhi actually regretted it in his heart. The things that happened back then could not have been so bad. At that time, he really wanted to change his mind. After all, when Chu Qiao was poor and difficult, All with him.

But what about him?But it went off the rails!

However, he still couldn't accept Chu Qiao's cheating, so he went too far and pretended to cheat unscrupulously.

Chu Qiao didn't explain either.

As a result, the relationship between the two is getting weaker and weaker, and the distance between the two is getting farther and farther.

"Yes, I admit, I'm sorry for you. Mom, this matter is my fault, but I don't know. I thought she really cheated. I have been..."

In fact, Mo Bozhi has been in love with Chu Qiao for so many years, but love and hate overlapped and became more and more intense, becoming complicated and embarrassing.

"Dad, that diary is fake, and Mo Shenhan is playing tricks!" Mo Qingge saw that Mo Bozhi had finished reading the diary, and the anger she had before was gone, and now there was only remorse, and she was even more angry now.

At this moment, Mo Shenhan's cell phone rang and received a call, so Mo Shenhan said, "Go to Lin's house!"

(End of this chapter)

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