Chapter 1103 Search for me

Originally, they were still discussing what happened back then, but Mo Shenhan suddenly answered a phone call and left in a hurry, which made Mo Bozhi hold back what he wanted to say.

Mo Qingge was naturally very angry, but she still didn't dare to confront Mo Shenhan head-on, she still dared to tease An Xiaoer secretly, but when playing with Mo Shenhan, he could only be tortured to death every minute.

"Mo Shenhan, why are we going to the Lin's house?" An Xiaoer asked when Mo Shenhan said to go to the Lin's house.

"I traced the license plate number and headed towards Lin's house. I guess Niannian is there." Mo Shenhan said.

Originally, An Xiaoer and Mo Shenhan were guessing that maybe Nian Nian was hidden by Mo Qingge, but now they found out that Nian Nian was with Lin Yiyi.

When An Xiaoer heard the news about Niannian, she was naturally excited. She didn't think about anything at the moment, and immediately held Mo Shenhan's hand, "Then, let's go quickly!"

An Xiaoer was really worried about Nian Nian, really afraid that something would happen to him.

Not long after Mo Shenhan and An Xiaoer arrived at the Lin's house, An Xiaoer's phone rang, "Mom, are you at the Lin's house now?"

An Xiaoer nodded, "Well, we just arrived, baby, I called your mobile phone before, why did it turn off?"

"I'm on the plane. I'm in City B. I'll be at Lin's house soon." Yang Yang's voice sounded.

When An Xiaoer heard that Yang Yang said that she was coming back, she immediately became excited and nodded immediately, "Yangyang, I'm so glad you're back!"

Because An Xiaoer was busy, she said a few words and hung up the phone. Mo Shenhan and An Xiaoer just entered the Lin's house.

The current time is around seven o'clock in the morning, and Mo Shenhan brought people into the Lin's house forcibly. Their sudden intrusion naturally came as a surprise to the Lin's family.

After nearly 10 minutes, Lin Yiyi finally simply changed her clothes and came out.

"Han, what do you mean?" Lin Yiyi felt her fingertips tremble when she saw Mo Shenhan coming over like this, and bringing a lot of people with him, looking very fierce.

She thought, since Mo Shenhan has come here, he probably already knows the whereabouts of Nian Nian!

Mo Shenhan's son, she dared to move, I don't know if Mo Shenhan found out, would he kill her directly!
"It's nothing interesting, I'm just here to guide people!" Mo Shenhan narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Lin Yiyi and replied.

Lin Yiyi's complexion was a little twitching, and now she felt guilty, "Who is it?"

"Shouldn't you know who I want to find?" Mo Shenhan saw that Lin Yiyi was still pretending to be stupid, and his face was slightly cold, "Where is Nian Nian?"

"He... how do I know where he is!" Lin Yiyi continued to play dumb.

Mo Shenhan's face was showing some impatience, and he looked at her with a sullen face, "Are you pretending to be stupid?"

"What evidence do you have that Niannian is here with me?" At this moment, Lin Yiyi really wanted to resist, because if Mo Shenhan knew that she had abused Niannian, then their relationship would probably be exhausted, and , she may be in danger.

Seeing Lin Yiyi's guilty look, An Xiaoer was already puzzled, especially since her ear was injured and was bandaging it with gauze.

"What's the matter with your ears?" An Xiaoer asked.

Lin Yiyi hurriedly covered her ears, "I accidentally got hurt!"

"How did you get hurt?" An Xiaoer pressed.

Mo Shenhan was already impatient, "Search for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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