Chapter 1117 This Night Is Too Vigorous

, "It's so easy and even fun for you men to give birth, but women have to go through so much pain? It's not fair!" An Xiaoer pouted.

For An Xiaoer's question, Mo Shenhan immediately laughed, "But, this is the law of nature's survival, no matter who it is, it is like this, how can there be any fairness?"

An Xiaoer: "..."

Well, An Xiaoer admires Mo Shenhan's explanation!

Originally, I imagined that Mo Shenhan would act as a parturient, but now it's a good thing, as soon as Mo Shenhan started exercising, he became addicted!

When it was finally over, An Xiaoer was exhausted and lay on the bed without any strength at all. How could that Mo Shenhan think about being a pregnant woman?
Late at night!

Mo Shenhan looked at An Xiaoer as tired as a donkey who had ground a hundred catties of corn, smiled silently, stood up, hugged An Xiaoer, and finally walked towards the bathroom door.

After loving each other, taking a bath is good for each other's health!

And, if there's energy left...

In the process of taking a shower, another slap...

It is really a romantic and sentimental thing!


The next day, when An Xiaoer woke up, it was already ten o'clock in the morning, and the sunlight from the gap in the curtains shone into the room, telling An Xiaoer that it was getting late.

An Xiaoer rubbed her eyes, she felt a little sore right now, they were so intense last night that she fell asleep directly until now.

An Xiaoer put on her pajamas, stood up, walked towards the French windows, and gently opened the curtains.

What came into view was a green golf course. An Xiaoer saw a few birds soaring in the sky, frolicking freely, looking leisurely and content, and her mood became joyful.

I thought to myself, the Mo family already knew that she was An Xiao'er, and she had a young daughter, so the Mo family probably knew about it by now, right?
So, how to face them?

Maybe they will be very happy. Anyway, Liu Piaolan is very happy, and Mo Bozhi should be very happy too. Although Mo Bozhi doesn't like her, she is his granddaughter after all, so he is naturally very happy about himself. had a granddaughter.

However, it is estimated that Mo Qingge will be very angry, because as soon as she came back, she was arrogant and domineering, and used the identity of Dugu Xinyue to fight against Mo Qingge countless times, so she must be very angry !
I guess I'm already thinking about how to deal with them now!
However, An Xiaoer is not a vegetarian, she took a deep breath, and then told herself, "An Xiaoer, calm down, soldiers will block you, water will cover you, you are not a vegetarian, the big deal is to fight to the end!"

What's more, Yangyang has Di Ming's organization to help them find the antidote. What An Xiaoer is most worried about is the antidote. Now that the solution has been resolved, she naturally won't be afraid anymore!
An Xiaoer thought to herself, what should come will always come back, let her face it bravely!
However, at this moment, An Xiaoer's cell phone rang, and she walked over to check, but it turned out to be a message, "An Xiaoer, you think you have Mo Shenhan around, and you will be fine with him backing you up, you can feel at ease Did you go back to the Mo family? Let me tell you, it’s impossible! As long as I stay at the Mo family for a day, you won’t even think about coming back for a moment!..."

(End of this chapter)

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