Chapter 1118 Who Loses Who Wins
The message was sent by Mo Qingge, this is Hong Guoguo's warning!
An Xiaoer looked at the message and felt a chill in her heart. Now that she decided to confront Mo Qingge, An Xiaoer would naturally not be afraid of her.

"Tell me, what will happen if I show this message to Mo Shenhan and Chu Qingye?" An Xiaoer directly sent such a message.

Mo Qingge was playing with her mobile phone on the sofa in the room, when she received a reply from An Xiaoer, she read the message, her face immediately turned green!

How dare An Xiaoer warn her?
She had already sent An Xiaoer all the news, so naturally she wouldn't have so many worries, and naturally she would have her own odds of winning.

"You won't post it, because you can't afford the consequences!" Mo Qingge replied.

"Hehe, why?" An Xiaoer asked directly, not to be outdone.

Of course, An Xiaoer is still a little guilty at this moment. After all, she has fallen in front of Mo Qingge once, so naturally she will be a little wary and afraid at any time. An Xiaoer is also worried that Mo Qingge will mess up again. No matter what moves she made, she lost, and then she was completely defeated.

"Aren't you worried about your son? What if he gets poisoned again?" Mo Qingge replied.

An Xiaoer looked at it, her heart tightened.

Yangyang said that the antidote has been developed, and told her not to worry too much, but An Xiaoer was actually a little worried.

However, An Xiaoer can't stay in a weak position all the time. Since Mo Qingge threatens her, she can't lose, "Then don't be afraid. After Chu Qingye saw the news, it will be impossible for you again? Even, it will be very difficult." Hate you!"

Mo Qingge looked at An Xiaoer's words, and her face immediately became very ugly!
Directly angrily, he threw the phone viciously towards the bed.

The phone was thrown on the bed and lay there quietly. Mo Qingge's face was ashen, she stood up and walked towards the balcony!

"An Xiaoer, you are really getting more and more crazy now! Okay, you are amazing and you are arrogant, so I will bear with it for now. After all, your son has already eaten the chocolate I gave you!"

Mo Qingge had a cold face!
Because she was worried that Niannian would show signs of poisoning after eating chocolate, so she went to the hospital. Therefore, Mo Qingge purposely didn't use that much medicine, just a little.

However, that kind of poison is still very strange. Although you don’t eat much, there may be no problems in a short period of time, but it will cause the body to develop problems. If it does not appear for two months, it will relapse!
When the time comes, An Xiaoer sees that Nian Nian is sick, so why don't she directly ask her for help?
At that time, Mo Qingge won't be as simple as telling An Xiaoer to get out of the Mo family!She wants An Xiaoer to sacrifice her life for her son!
After all, Mo Qingge can't give An Xiaoer another chance to go back to the Mo family, not any chance!
An Xiaoer was on the third floor, holding her phone for a while, but she didn't see Mo Qingge's message sent again, so she could only put down the phone.

At this moment, he hurriedly called Mo Shenhan.

The call was connected as soon as it was called, "Xiao'er, what's the matter?"

"I received a threatening text message from Mo Qingge." An Xiaoer said.

Because Mo Shenhan told her that she should not handle anything alone, so now An Xiaoer decided to tell Mo Shenhan about it. After all, they have to face everything together. good!
(End of this chapter)

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