The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 1119 It's All An Xiaoer's Fault

Chapter 1119 It's All An Xiaoer's Fault

Mo Shenhan is still at the Lin family at the moment, dealing with Lin Yiyi's affairs.

Hearing what An Xiaoer said, his face darkened, and he asked, "What did she say?"

An Xiaoer then told Mo Shenhan about Mo Qingge's threat and her own reaction.

After Mo Shenhan heard this, he smiled, "Xiao'er, I think it's great that you are so strong, I like it very much!"

An Xiaoer felt a little helpless when she heard Mo Shenhan praise herself, "But, I'm still scared! I'm still very worried that that woman will harm our child. Tell me, what should I do if that happens?"

Mo Shenhan knew An Xiaoer's worry, but it was useless for them to worry all the time, "We are afraid of the enemy's invasion, we can grab the opponent's throat and fight back directly!"

After hearing this, An Xiaoer was stunned for a moment, "Is this okay?"

An Xiaoer is really not that sure!

"Everything and your husband, don't worry too much!"

"En!" An Xiaoer could only nod her head.

An Xiaoer and Mo Shenhan said a few words, then hung up the phone just like that.

Mo Shenhan was in the Lin family, as long as he still dealt with Lin Yiyi's affairs.

The result of the investigation was that Lin Yiyi ate a kind of poison, the poison was brought by the butler before, and they ate it later, and died afterwards!

It seemed that the butler had already prepared for the worst and planned for the worst.

With everyone gone, Mo Shenhan naturally didn't want to continue to investigate Lin Yiyi's kidnapping of Nian Nian and torture him. He sullenly told someone to handle Lin Yiyi's funeral, and left the Lin family just like that.

Speaking of it, the two daughters of the Lin family finally left the personnel affairs like this, and there was no one in the Lin family. All this is quite sad.

When they were thinking about hurting others, did they ever think that one day, those hurts would come back to them, and they would be the ones who would be unlucky in the end?
Mo Shenhan went back to the Mo Family and told Mo Bozhi about Lin Yiyi.

Mo Bozhi was very surprised, "What did you say? Yiyi committed suicide by taking poison?"

"En!" Mo Shenhan nodded.

After hearing this, Liu Piaolan was also very surprised, "Is it because we are afraid that we will pursue her for hurting Niannian, so?"

"I don't know, when she died, she didn't leave anything behind, she just committed suicide just like that!"

Maybe she committed suicide in fear of crime, but what Lin Yiyi was thinking in her heart is really difficult for ordinary people to figure out!
"Hmph! She was so brave when she hurt Niannian, but now she is so scared that she wants to commit suicide?" Mo Bozhi's expression turned ugly!

In fact, Mo Bozhi still has deep feelings for the Lin family. After all, the Lin family and the Mo family have been friends for so many years. Who would have thought that the Lin family would one day become like this?
Mo Bozhi's face was gloomy and cold at the moment, but he felt a little sad in his heart, "I've always hoped that Lin Yiyi's child and Shenhan would have a good result, but I really didn't expect it to turn out like this!"

Liu Piaolan also sighed, "None of us thought about letting her die, why is she so stupid, everyone said that death is worse than life, why can't she think about it so much?"

Mo Shenhan was silent and didn't say anything.

Mo Qingge heard it from the side, and said, "Some people just think that love is more important than everything else. The person she loved for so many years is lost like this. Of course she wants to die! In the end, it's all about An Xiao Son's fault!"

 It’s still Kawen...some baby said that Yaya’s recent updates are less, and it’s true. Now that I’ve written two chapters, I don’t know how to write it down!

  This book is probably almost finished, and I don’t know how to close the pen. I’ve been a little stuck recently. I’m sorry, I’ll make two updates today~ I hope you guys understand.

(End of this chapter)

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