Chapter 1127 Finally Said I'm Sorry
"However, even though I tried my best to stabilize all of this, the thing I was worried about still came. One day, you, mother, still found out about it. In the end, it became more and more serious, and reached an unmanageable end."

When Mo Bozhi talked about the events of that year, his eyes carried the vagueness and responsibility from the memory, as well as some helplessness.

Mo Shenhan knew a little about what happened back then, but what he knew was that his father had cheated first. He didn't know exactly what it was like.

Now that Mo Shenhan said this, he smiled with emotion, "It is true that many things can happen when you are drunk, but you are also responsible for this, you are the one who hurt my mother step by step , reached an unmanageable ending."

There was still no intention of forgiveness in the words.

Mo Bozhi also sighed, "I was indeed at fault for this matter, but I have always had something on my mind because of it, and I have been thinking about it for so long, Shen Han, I am sorry for you. Mom, I am very sorry for this matter. Feel sorry."

"The person you should say sorry to is not me, but my mother!" Mo Shenhan said.

Of course, even though he said this now, he no longer hated Mo Bozhi in his heart.

When people are gone, they are gone. In many cases, it is really irreparable, and the rest is just a sorry!
Mo Shenhan and Mo Bozhi are father and son, and they still have some feelings. At this time, Mo Shenhan, hearing his father say sorry, naturally forgave him!

After all, for so many years, he has never hated, just blamed it!
"I know, I should tell you, Mom, I'm sorry! I blamed her all the time, but I made excuses that it was an accident that I betrayed her, but I was just deceiving myself!" Mo Bozhi continued.

"Actually, I don't want to say I'm sorry to you, but I'm panicked, and I want to say what's stuffed in my heart. Shenhan, our father and son have always targeted each other for so many years. There is too much estrangement, so that The distance between us is too far!"

"Actually, I came here last night and wanted to tell you about this, but I didn't know where to start, so I finally left. Today, I mustered up the courage to say this thing."

When Mo Bozhi said these things, he kept sighing.

He was apologizing to Mo Shenhan, and he also wanted their relationship to stop being so stiff.

Mo Shenhan nodded, "I know, Dad, in fact, I have already forgiven you!"

Mo Shenhan finally let go and said this.
The night is getting darker and the tea is getting colder.

When An Xiaoer came back from Yangyang and Niannian, Mo Bozhi was about to leave.

Seeing Mo Bozhi as soon as he opened the door, An Xiaoer was a little embarrassed, "Ahem, let's talk, I'll go out for a while."

Unexpectedly, Mo Bozhi said, "No need, I'm going back to my room."

With that said, Mo Bozhi left like this.

An Xiaoer watched Mo Bozhi leave before looking at Mo Shenhan, "Mo Shenhan, is your father talking to you about your mother?"

Mo Shenhan nodded, "That's right."

It's not difficult to guess about this matter. Mo Bozhi came here yesterday, and An Xiaoer persuaded Mo Shenhan to go out and talk to Mo Bozhi.

Today, Mo Bozhi finally came, but he didn't know how their father and son chatted.

"So, how are you chatting? Did you quarrel?"

(End of this chapter)

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