Chapter 1128

"Mo Shenhan, you..."

Before An Xiaoer could finish her words, Mo Shenhan kissed her, covering her lips directly.

"Hmm..." Her mouth was covered again, and what she had to say could only be silence. An Xiaoer's eyes were also closed, feeling Mo Shenhan's kiss, a faint smile hung on the corner of her lips. Kissing Mo Shenhan back.

The private grinding between lips, the ambiguous atmosphere began to heat up, Mo Shenhan looked at An Xiaoer, and finally said, "Xiaoer, I want to identify myself more than the sun and the moon!"

As he said that, Mo Shenhan's kisses became crazy, kissing deeply and plundering.

Mo Shenhan's hand reached An Xiaoer's chest, playing with it constantly, and the kiss slowly fell there...

"Xiao'er, tell me, are you willing to marry me?" Mo Shenhan looked at An Xiaoer and said such a sentence.

"I, yes!" An Xiaoer said this with certainty.

If someone else heard this sentence, they must have thought about it shyly for a long time, and then said "I do", and said it very shyly.

However, the relationship between An Xiaoer and Mo Shenhan was one that had proposed marriage a long time ago, but later failed to form due to various twists and turns. Therefore, An Xiaoer did not have so many entanglements. Instead, it was excited yes and sure.

I am very sure that the person I want to marry is Mo Shenhan, and I am very sure that I will spend the rest of my life with Mo Shenhan, just like this calm and joy.

"Really willing? Don't let me go again!" Mo Shenhan smiled a little more in his eyes, watching An Xiaoer say this now.

"Well... I'm sorry, I, I didn't do it on purpose a year ago." An Xiaoer knew that because of her sudden departure a year ago, it was difficult for Mo Shenhan to end later.

"I can't blame you for this matter!" Mo Shenhan's eyes became more affectionate, "You had no choice but to do so."

"En..." An Xiaoer nodded, her voice was a bit ethereal.

In the quiet night, An Xiaoer and Mo Shenhan were talking about their wedding day, "The date is still set on February [-]th, Valentine's Day. The slight difference is last year and this year!"

However, there is no need to have regrets, so Mo Shenhan chose the same date as last year.

"Aren't you afraid of repeating the same mistakes on this date?" When An Xiaoer heard that Mo Shenhan had chosen this date again, she immediately laughed. When she said such a sentence, the meaning of ridicule in the words was very obvious.

Of course, although there was some teasing in An Xiaoer's words, it was just a joke. At this moment, there was a smile in her voice, because she was very happy.

"I'm not afraid, because you don't know how to do it!" Mo Shenhan also answered An Xiaoer very positively, the corners of his lips were full of confidence!

The reason for his self-confidence is very simple, because he loves An Xiaoer, and he believes that An Xiaoer also loves him. The love between the two is mutual and deeply in love.

Mo Shenhan said these words confidently, and directly pressed An Xiaoer's lips. The clothes had already been undone at some point, and they were already thrown on the ground in a mess.

Mo Shenhan's solid body pressed against An Xiaoer, the two bodies were hot, and they just kissed each other just right, and at some point, their married life began.

[The night is deep, and the night with you will not be lonely. After we exercised to the fullest, we lay on the same bed together and slept peacefully until dawn]

(End of this chapter)

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