The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 113 Want An Xiaoer to accompany you again?

Chapter 113 Want An Xiaoer to accompany you again?

Looking at his mother's confused look, Mo Ruiyang knew that she had forgotten, so he said, "That's right, I heard what you said when you went to see your boss that night."

Only then did An Xiaoer remember that it seemed to be the case.

Look, as a human being, you really can't do bad things. No, her son didn't find anything, so she herself felt guilty.

He thought it was his son who found out about her and Mo Shenhan's affairs.

However, Nian Nian is still so young, she probably doesn't understand the relationship between a man and a woman.

An Xiaoer felt a little more at ease as she thought about it.

After entering the house, after eating, Xiao Guirong looked at her daughter, hesitating to speak.

"Xiao'er, you didn't come home for dinner last night. Your father came to our house. He also came this morning, but he went back without waiting for you."

Just about to clean up the dishes, An Xiaoer froze when she heard what Xiao Guirong said, and turned to look at her mother, "Yes."

After An Fengshao was released from prison, did he change his gender?Not only did they invite their family to eat at his house, but they also ran back home every three days.

"Mom, what's the matter with him?" An Xiaoer asked.

Xiao Guirong looked at her daughter, wanted to say something, opened her mouth, but stopped talking, "He..."

"Mom, if you have something to say, why are you so hesitant?" An Xiaoer said, although she knew that her mother was like this, there must be nothing good, but she still asked.

After all, what should come will always come.

"Your father's company..."

When An Xiaoer heard this, she pouted angrily and said, "His company is just an empty shell."

Did An Fengshao come to her because of his company's affairs?But what can she do to help?

Could it be that he wants her to sleep with some man and earn benefits for him?

When An Xiao'er thought of this, her complexion immediately turned dark, a little cold.

It can't be blamed that An Xiaoer always thinks too badly of people, after all, An Fengshao is someone who can do such a thing after being bitten by a snake for ten years and afraid of well ropes.

"How can you say that!" When An Xiaoer said that it was an empty shell, Xiao Guirong became unhappy and glared at An Xiaoer, "You are my daughter, but you are also his daughter, do you know? ?”

An Xiaoer didn't speak.

Xiao Guirong's eyes turned red immediately.

"Xiao'er, Mom has only one wish in this life, and I will be content to see you and your dad get along well."

As he spoke, he suddenly coughed violently.

How could An Xiaoer really care about her mother?Seeing how her mother was angry because of what she said about An Fengshao, she felt a little jealous, but seeing her mother's severe cough and sad expression, she castrated again.

"Mom, I'm sorry, it's my fault, are you okay? Why are you coughing so badly?"

Xiao Guirong coughed for a long time before she took a breath and looked at An Xiaoer.

"Xiao'er, can you help your father? He came to look for you yesterday, but you were not there. He also came to look for you this morning, but you are still not here. His company really needs help."

"Xiao'er, An's is your father's lifelong painstaking effort. It cannot be ruined. If the company goes bankrupt, he will also take over. If she goes bankrupt, what should I do?"

As she spoke, Xiao Guirong suddenly lost her voice and burst into tears.

A 50-year-old woman, her face has already accumulated a lot of wrinkles due to her age, and her black hair has begun to turn gray. An Xiaoer feels that her mother's life is a failure. I have never been married in my life, and I have to endure the consequences of being a mistress.

 Aww~ I beg for a reward, if you give a reward, I will add more~
(End of this chapter)

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