The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 114 Promise You to Beg Mo Shenhan

Chapter 114 Promise You to Beg Mo Shenhan
Being a mistress is despised by others, why would she choose such a life?For a man like that, is it worth it?
"Mom, I don't understand. Is An Fengshao so worthy of your sacrifice? Do you know that you have been ruined by him for most of your life?" An Xiaoer looked at her mother. At this moment, she suddenly hugged her, Wept bitterly.

Mom, it's really pitiful!Also she is too stupid.

The most stupid time for a woman is when he falls in love with a man who doesn't love her but wants to possess her and delay her!Such a man is a scumbag, but his mother loves him, and because of love, he is dizzy.

"Xiao'er, don't talk about your father like that. Whatever I do for him is worth it."

Xiao Guirong watched her daughter grieve for her, and knew that her daughter was moved. She was firm and said her determination to An Feng and Shao Ai.

An Xiaoer smiled sadly, "Okay, you love him, give him all your youth, you love him, all the efforts are worth it, you love him..." You can even sacrifice your daughter to help him.

But the latter sentence, An Xiaoer was so stiff that she couldn't say it.

An Xiaoer still doesn't understand, love, it's really possible, so... selfless dedication, it's really possible, so consistent?

She loves him, and only him, as a man.

Just like the rainwater is always dripping to the ground, is it because of the attraction of gravity?

An Fengshao, he really has something to do!

Perhaps it is only possible to love someone to a certain extent. Then, mother's love is really great.

It's a pity that An Xiaoer didn't understand this kind of feeling, and in the end, she could only smile helplessly.

An Xiaoer smiled, "How do you want me to help him? Mom, I don't seem to be that capable. I can help his company recover."

Don't hear your mother say, go sleep with so-and-so, otherwise, she will really collapse.

"You work for Mo Yu, and you help him win the bidding right for Mo Yu's "Xi Han Yi Yu". As long as he can be shortlisted, he can participate in the competition. The rest will depend on his ability, okay?..."

Seeing that her daughter seemed to be softening her heart, Xiao Guirong said beggingly, like that, no one would be ruthless to refuse.

Mom is begging her now, begging her to help him.

However, how could An Xiaoer have the ability to allow An's to participate in the bidding for "Cherish the Cold and One Jade"?
Did they think too highly of her?
"Mom, I'm just the president's secretary, not the president, so I can't make this decision."

An Xiaoer told the truth.

But Xiao Guirong didn't listen to her explanation, "You are the president's secretary, you deal with the president every day, you ask for mercy, what's wrong? Are you unwilling to help your father?"

As she said that, Xiao Guirong was very angry, but there were tears in her eyes, which made An Xiaoer's heart flutter, and she felt extremely painful.

"Xiao'er, I beg you, okay?"

While An Xiaoer was hesitating, Xiao Guirong was already holding her daughter's hand and crying.

"Mom, don't do this, I promise you, okay?"

An Xiao'er really couldn't see her mother like this, she could only soften her heart, but she herself was also muttering, how could she help?

Suddenly thinking about the fact that she tore up the [-] million check, An Xiaoer thought, how about telling Mo Shenhan that she doesn't want money, so she hopes that An's can bid for Xihan Yiyu, maybe he will agree .

After all, it's just bidding and participating.

An Xiaoer watched her mother pay so much for An Fengshao, and suddenly wanted to do something for her mother, "Mom, do you want to marry An Fengshao?"

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(End of this chapter)

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