The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 115 I would rather be a concubine than marry properly

Chapter 115 I would rather be a concubine than marry properly

"Mom, do you want to marry An Fengshao?" An Xiaoer agreed to her mother and would try to ask Mo Shenhan to have a look. However, she felt that her mother had spent so much for a man for most of her life, and she was not reconciled to her mother. get nothing.

Since mother loves An Fengshao so much, she probably wants to marry him, right?

Since An Fengshao used his mother to intercede and asked him to help, she couldn't let An Fengshao take advantage of it, so she used this matter to negotiate terms with her mother and let An Fengshao marry her.

If An Fengshao didn't agree, maybe he could wake up his mother!
If she agrees, her mother's wish of being able to stay with the man she likes will be fulfilled.


Upon hearing An Xiaoer's words, Xiao Guirong hesitated for a moment, "It's good as it is now, why don't you let it go?"

She hesitated, but finally said, let's not do it!
When An Xiaoer heard this answer, she wanted to laugh out loud!
Suddenly, I remembered that I saw a woman on the Internet before. She was with a married man. Later, when the man's wife died, the man asked her to marry him, but the woman refused.

"I don't need it, I just need to be a love partner!"

That woman, said that to that man.

When An Xiaoer saw the news, she felt that this woman was really unbelievable and unreasonable.

But now, is the same thing going to happen to her mother?
"Why?" An Xiaoer asked.

"I'm afraid of him, so I don't agree..." Xiao Guirong gritted her teeth and finally said.

It's not that crazy woman who would rather be a mistress, An Xiaoer sighed, "I'll tell him."

So, An Xiaoer called An Fengshao.

An Fengshao was obviously surprised when he received An Xiaoer's call, but he was still cheerful.

"Xiao'er, I'm so happy that you actually called your father. I used to be bad, and I was not good to you, but I am your father, Xiao'er. From now on, my father will treat you well, treat you and you Mom's..."

An Xiaoer felt a little uncomfortable hearing these routines, what hypocritical words, she said such "father-daughter love" words because she was clearly needed to do something.

However, An Xiaoer has some longing for the word father!

Since she was a child, she knew that her parents were different from other people's parents, but she had always been looking forward to it, always hoping that her father would like her a little bit.

But later, I really gave up.

At this moment, listening to what An Fengshao said, although he knew that he just wanted to use this method to let her help him, but, in fact, he still had some expectations in his heart.

Shattering all those fantasies, An Xiaoer looked at Xiao Guirong, and finally said to An Fengshao on the phone, "You want me to help you be shortlisted for "Xi Han Yi Yu", but I don't have that much ability, I It’s just a secretary to the president.”

Hearing what An Xiaoer said, An Fengshao thought she would not agree, so he said, "How will you know if you don't try it? You just have to say it, and it will be considered as a favor to Dad. Dad will thank you for the rest of his life."

He opened his mouth about his father and shut his mouth about his father, but he didn't take the responsibility of being a father with all his heart. An Xiaoer got annoyed and said, "Okay, I won't do what you say. You know what's on your mind. If you want It's not impossible for me to help you, but I have one condition, you must marry my mother! Divorce that woman and marry my mother, do you agree?"

 Aww~ If there are [-] recommendation votes, add a new chapter, haha, I didn’t ask for recommendation votes this week, I just thought, I don’t ask for it, and then you forget to vote, and then, if it’s less than [-], I don’t need it Added more, Ya Ya’s little calculation, didn’t come out, ah, I can only add more~
  There are only more than 3000 collections before the collection reaches 200. Babes, please collect it for me, and add more at that time~

(End of this chapter)

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