The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 116 An Xiaoer's Sneezes Are Unlucky

Chapter 116 An Xiaoer's Sneezes Are Unlucky

Since An Fengshao used his mother to ask him to help, then he must pay something, right?
An Xiaoer took this opportunity to ask An Fengshao to make a choice.

If he didn't agree, then he happened to have an excuse to refuse.

Hearing An Xiaoer's request, An Fengshao was obviously taken aback, and remained silent on the phone for a long time.

"Aren't you going to agree? Then I won't agree to you either." An Xiaoer asked, not ignoring his silence at all.

Upon hearing what An Xiaoer said, An Fengshao became anxious, and quickly said, "No, no, okay, I promise you, but you have to make sure that you will help me."

When An Xiaoer heard An Fengshao hastily agreed, she suddenly didn't know whether to laugh or cry. In short, she felt a little dumbfounded.

His wife, Liu Jingcheng, probably also has feelings for him. Otherwise, how could he know that he can bear cheating, and he can bear it when he is in prison?

However, such a man is not worthy of their love at all.

She helped her mother marry An Fengshao, did she harm her mother or help her mother?

However, mother will never give up, so why not let her marry An Fengshao and let her get what she wants?
Maybe after getting it, I suddenly woke up and realized that it is useless to love a man who doesn't love me?

Now that everything has been done smoothly, everything that needs to be said has been said, and An Fengshao has also agreed to marry his mother. Then, the deal is done, let's make a final decision!

"Okay! I will definitely help you. Besides, I am the secretary of the president. You know, there is always a little different relationship between the boss and the secretary. He will agree. However, you will go to get the secretary tomorrow morning." Marriage certificate, in the afternoon, companies that can participate in the bidding will come out, I will wait for your notification, and then help you."

An Xiaoer finally spoke to the phone slowly.

In fact, An Xiaoer also deliberately told An Fengshao that she and Mo Shenhan had a slightly different relationship. I believe this sentence will be very useful!And she only said that she would definitely help, but if she helped, Mo Shenhan agreed or not, that was Mo Shenhan's business.

Well, she's still a bit cautious, but she will do her best to help. After all, if An Fengshao is offended, it will be her mother who will suffer.

Hearing what An Xiaoer said, An Fengshao still hesitated, fearing that An Xiaoer would lie to her, but thinking about whether he treated Xiao Guirong well, it would all be affected by An Xiaoer.

So, An Xiaoer won't play tricks!
Besides, when An Fengshao heard what An Xiaoer said about the relationship between the president and the secretary, he was immediately overjoyed, and finally agreed, "Okay, I'll take care of this tomorrow!"


The next day, Monday.

At nine o'clock in the morning, An Xiaoer arrived at the company, but Mo Shenhan hadn't come yet.

The other secretary, Lin Xi, looked at her coldly again. After finishing all the work, An Xiaoer only needed to sit quietly.

She wished that someone would do all of this, and only fools would rush to do it.

"Ah, cut~" Suddenly, An Xiaoer sneezed.

It just occurred to me that after she fell into the water last time, she felt a little dizzy and maybe had a little fever. Afterwards, she struggled all night, and in the end, she insisted on not buying any medicine.

She was in good health, and she didn't have a fever, but she sneezed.

This sneeze was really unlucky, An Xiaoer's nose flowed out immediately, and she hurriedly wanted to find a paper to wipe it off, but Mo Shenhan came in at this time, and saw her embarrassed and disgusting side.

(End of this chapter)

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