Chapter 117 An Xiaoer's Quality
An Xiaoer took a tissue and quickly covered her nose.

"Huh!..." An Xiaoer's voice was blowing her nose.

As soon as Mo Shenhan came in, he saw the scene of An Xiaoer's nose gushing from his nostrils, his face was already dark, and he looked at her like she was a virus.

At this moment, An Xiaoer actually blows her nose and makes a sound, Mo Shenhan's brows are deeply frowned, "An Xiaoer?"

Mo Shenhan obviously couldn't bear this scene of An Xiaoer very much. Mo Shenhan, who has always been obsessed with cleanliness, felt that this scene of An Xiaoer was too terrifying.

"Ah?" An Xiaoer's nose was blocked in a panic just now, just after she finished handling everything and threw the things into the trash can, she was called by the CEO and stood up quickly.


Mo Shenhan looked at her obedient look, and then thought of him asking her to do what he refused as a woman, and, later, he heard Qing Shiyuan say that he found a piece of paper in the room that was put together to be [-] million The torn cheque!

Mo Shenhan's resentment towards her has deepened by several points, she, An Xiaoer, is really noble, a [-] million check, tear it up as soon as you say it!
"What about your civilization and literacy?"

"Oh, I have a cold."

An Xiaoer was a little wary. Looking at her at this moment, she was inexplicably afraid of him. Mo Shenhan, he was really cold, so cold.

So indifferent, An Xiaoer didn't even know how to talk to Mo Shenhan, begging him to let An's be shortlisted for the "Cherish the Cold One Jade" order.

When Mo Shenhan heard An Xiaoer say that she had a cold, he was taken aback for a moment, thinking, it couldn't be that he tormented her too much that night and caused her to catch a cold, right?

Finally, his expression eased a little, and after taking a look at her, he sat on the office chair and turned on the computer.

Lin Xi heard Mo Shenhan say that An Xiaoer was uncivilized, and she knew that Mo Shenhan was obsessed with cleanliness. She sneered, "President, An Xiaoer is not only uncivilized and educated, she also has no chastity, and she always seduces men everywhere." , Many gay men in the company said they liked her and wanted to chase her!"

When An Xiaoer was told by Lin Xi, she suddenly felt incredible!
The male colleagues in the company like her, what does it have to do with her lack of chastity, when did she seduce men everywhere?

Hey, it's really a sentence: If you want to commit a crime, why is there no excuse?
An Xiaoer really opened her eyes!
"Lin Xi, are you right? Since when have I seduced men everywhere? Don't think everyone is as bad as you. It's normal to be liked by others for being beautiful. No one likes you. You can go for plastic surgery!"

An Xiaoer was so angry with her, she immediately fought back!

"You! You're just pretty! How dare you say you're beautiful? If I tell you, the CEO won't like you!" Lin Xi was immediately annoyed when she heard An Xiaoer say that she wasn't pretty and wanted to be chased and suggested to have plastic surgery. If no one could refute it, he would use the president to refute it!

At the same time, she was secretly making small calculations, this is President Kua in disguise!The president should be very happy.

Anyway, in her opinion, it is impossible for Mo Shenhan to like An Xiaoer. After all, Mo Shenhan's conditions are so good, there are a lot of people to choose from, most of them are women who throw themselves into his arms, how can he like him? one person?

But Mo Shenhan's face seemed to have become ugly because of Lin Xi's words.

"Secretary Lin, you have become more and more idle recently, and you have become more and more courageous."

Mo Shenhan said with a sullen face, "Go out and have a look outside, if you need help, just go and help, don't block my eyes!"

The dignified secretary, just like that, was announced by Mo Shenhan to "do odd jobs"!

(End of this chapter)

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