Chapter 1140 Get a little thinner
Mo Shenlie secretly stored a lot of funds in the company, and he also had a clue, but recently, he found out that those funds all flowed to the same place...

However, that place is a newly established bar!
Mo Shenhan guessed that Mo Shenlie should have the intention to open a bar. The bar is a place for people to have fun and entertainment, and the income is naturally quite high.

However, it seems that the bar is not as simple as usual, and it seems to have a lot of secrets. As for why it is so unusual, he is still asking people to investigate.

The day is getting closer, today is February [-]th, only two days away from the wedding day!

All preparations have been basically completed.

An Xiaoer started dieting!

After all, although An Xiaoer has a good figure, as long as she is a girl, she is full of expectations for her marriage!

Naturally, An Xiaoer was not surprised. She thought that when she got married, she could be thinner and have a better figure, so she didn't dare to eat so much!

"Xiao'er, your figure is the best, a little more meat is even better, you don't need to lose weight!" Seeing that An Xiaoer's appetite has decreased a lot, Mo Shenhan persuaded him with shame.

Although beauty is really important, Mo Shenhan feels that his wife is starving, which is a very depressing thing, and he feels distressed!
"Husband, why don't we eat less together, so that we can all lose weight!" An Xiaoer listened to Mo Shenhan telling her to eat more, but she didn't take it seriously, and instead persuaded Mo Shenhan to go on a diet with her for a few days.

Mo Shenhan blushed, "Xiao'er, why do you want me to be thin!"

Mo Shenhan is tall and handsome, and his figure is even better, not fat at all!
An Xiaoer actually asked him to lose weight too, Mo Shenhan said, very helpless!
An Xiaoer is actually eager to lose weight, why would she think so much?It was just a casual remark, now that Mo Shenhan asked her why, she didn't know how to answer it!
After thinking about it for a long time, I finally gave a reason, "Er... I think, your figure is really perfect, but maybe it will be more perfect if you are thinner?"

An Xiaoer's reason is basically nonsense!
However, Mo Shenhan narrowed his eyes, and suddenly brought An Xiaoer into his arms.

Lying on the sofa, Mo Shenhan's lips curled into a dark and evil smile.

"Xiao'er, I know what you mean!" Mo Shenhan said with narrowed eyes.

"Ah? What do you mean?" An Xiaoer was a little confused when she saw Mo Shenhan's black-bellied appearance!
I always feel that Mo Shenhan's so-called "know what you mean" has a deep meaning!
In fact, her reason was just nonsense, Mo Shenhan, what would he understand?

An Xiaoer looked at him, "Mo Shenhan, why are your eyes so strange?"

Mo Shenhan looked at An Xiaoer's innocent and harmless little white rabbit, and immediately laughed!

The lips approached An Xiaoer's earlobe ambiguously, and exhaled softly there, "Xiaoer, have you ever heard a saying that a person is thin and big..."

"Ah?" An Xiaoer's face turned red when she heard Mo Shenhan's words!
"Mo Shenhan, you..."

So dirty!
An Xiaoer turned her head away in embarrassment, "Mo Shenhan, I didn't mean that! Why did you want to go to those places?"

Really, what else can An Xiaoer say about this?
(End of this chapter)

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