The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 1141 The advantage of being thin is...

Chapter 1141 The advantage of being thin is...

"What's wrong with me?" Mo Shenhan looked calm!

Seeing that An Xiaoer turned her head away because of shyness, she smiled helplessly!
"Xiao'er, in fact, if you are thin, you will become more manly. If you are fat, your bottom will start to look weak. So, you should be glad that your husband is not a big fat man!"

"Mo Shenhan, don't talk about it!" An Xiaoer's face was flushed with embarrassment.

Really, although they are usually very open when they have sex, but these words are really embarrassing every minute!

"Baby, how old are you, and you are still shy, what I told you is just common sense, don't you know?"

Mo Shenhan still had a serious look, he was extremely calm and calm!An Xiaoer almost died of depression!

"I, I know!" An Xiaoer blushed and turned to look at her, "I'm not underage, of course I know this!"

"It won't be long?" Mo Shenhan raised his eyebrows.

An Xiaoer listened to Mo Shenhan taking it for granted, but felt depressed. Why didn't she feel like it made sense? "Mo Shenhan, it's really embarrassing to say these words..."

Doesn't he think so?

Mo Shenhan just rolled his eyes, "Are you embarrassed? But, Xiao'er, you can't blame me for this matter. If you want to blame it, you have to blame it too."

"Why blame me?"

After all, An Xiao'er was speaking seriously with Mo Shenhan. He himself brought up such a dirty topic. Why is it now that he blames her?
"Didn't you call me thin because you wanted to talk about the reason?" Mo Shenhan said calmly.

An Xiaoer: "..."

What the hell!
She just wanted to lose weight, so she just said it casually!
When it came to Mo Shenhan's mouth, it was An Xiaoer who wanted him to be thinner, because he might be thicker...

"Mo Shenhan, you don't know that you have too much energy. I only have times when I'm too tired to move. Is there no time when I'm dissatisfied? So, it's impossible for me to wish you to be older, because I'm a little I can't take it anymore!"

An Xiaoer blushed as she said these words, and as soon as she said those words, An Xiaoer felt even more ashamed!

Hey, hey, he was really spoiled by Mo Shenhan!
What a pure person she used to be. Ever since she was with Mo Shenhan, not only has she experienced one hundred and eight postures in bed, but her heart has also been tainted by her ears and eyes, and she has been polluted!

But, there is no way, she loves this man, so even though she blushes, her heartbeat is always fast and beating violently!
When you're with the person you like, even if you're dirty to the point of perversion, you don't feel disgusted. Feelings sometimes affect your thinking, and even more so, your mood...

"Really? So, I'm in your heart, such a man!" Mo Shenhan raised his eyebrows, his eyes full of playfulness.

An Xiaoer nodded, "My husband, otherwise, you should eat more, so that I won't be so tired!"

An Xiaoer said in her heart that this is a suggestion of conscience!
"Really?" Mo Shenhan raised his eyebrows!
"En!" An Xiaoer nodded calmly expecting Mo Shenhan to say yes!
"Well, since my wife has spoken, then I must obey!" Mo Shenhan said, but he hugged An Xiaoer directly, and directly suppressed her.

"Well... what are you doing?" An Xiaoer was surprised!

There was confusion in Mo Shenhan's eyes, "Honey, didn't you tell me to eat more?"

(End of this chapter)

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