Chapter 1157 Happy Newly Married!
On the first day of marriage, everything is very beautiful!
However, the wedding matter is not over yet, there are still some things to deal with, so, the honeymoon between An Xiaoer and Mo Shenhan has not started yet.

Because, after getting married, there are a lot of things to deal with!
As for those who came to the wedding, most of them had already left.

After washing up, Mo Shenhan hugged An Xiaoer, went to the dining table, and ate food.

"Xiao'er, drink a glass of wine, this one has a low alcohol content and is very sweet." Mo Shenhan gave An Xiaoer a glass of wine to drink.

An Xiaoer nodded and took a sip, it tasted good.

Country F's wines are famous, so naturally they can't be missed.

After eating some food with An Xiaoer, his hungry stomach finally eased. Mo Shenhan roughly cleaned up the dinner plate and decided to take An Xiaoer to see the lavender field.

"Take Yangyang and Niannian and go together!"

Because there are still some things to deal with, Liu Piaolan and the others haven't left yet, and Bai Xi and the others haven't left either.

Yangyang and Niannian also had to wait for Liu Piaolan and the others to go back before following them together.

Arriving at another room, An Xiaoer knocked on the door, and the door opened, and Nian Nian came to open the door first.

"Mom, Dad, good afternoon!"

There was a deep smile in Nian Nian's eyes, and a delicate light was on his face at the moment.

"Haha, good afternoon baby!"

Entering the door, people from the Mo family and the Dugu family are all inside, watching TV, eating melons and fruits, it seems that they are talking happily.

As soon as An Xiaoer and Mo Shenhan entered, they were very happy, "Shenhan, Xiaoer, Xinhuan is happy!"

"Why don't you sleep a little longer?" Bai Xi said with a smile.

Now, it's already afternoon!What Bai Xi said...

An Xiaoer was a little embarrassed, looking at her mother, "It's very late now!"

Bai Xi said this, of course, on purpose. Seeing An Xiaoer shy now, she immediately smiled, "Get married, of course you have to enjoy it more, even if you sleep until the sky is dark, so what?"

An Xiaoer could only smile and remain silent.

Mo Shenhan said, "I'm considering going to see the lavender, or should we go together?"

Naturally, everyone didn't want to disturb their elegant mood, so they quickly said, "No need, just go!"

"Yangyang, Niannian, are you going?"

Yangyang and Niannian shook their heads.

"Mom, I don't want to go."

"Mom, I still have something to do here!"

Uh... Since they couldn't agree to go, then, An Xiaoer can only go with Mo Shenhan!
It's finally time to go out...

"Hey, everyone doesn't want to be a light bulb, and there's nothing you can do about it!" Mo Shenhan said with a very understanding look.

An Xiaoer: "..."

In the car, An Xiaoer was playing with her mobile phone. At this moment, a text message from Mo Qingge was sent.

"An Xiaoer, happy wedding! But, I don't know how long you can be happy!"

Seeing this, An Xiaoer's expression turned pale, "Thank you for your blessings, I will always be happy, and I will always be happy."

"Ha ha……"

But Mo Qingge just sent a sentence of 'hehe', and then there was no more text.

Mo Shenhan was driving and didn't see An Xiaoer's message, but seeing her lowering her head and her complexion was not right, Mo Shenhan already had a guess, "It's Mo Qingge?"

(End of this chapter)

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