Chapter 1158 I am now in trouble!
"En." An Xiaoer nodded.

I thought, Mo Shenhan's guess was really accurate.

Mo Shenhan's car had already arrived at the destination, so he stopped the car right now, and then, holding An Xiaoer's phone, he went to check it.

Just in time, a message was sent again:
"There is a university nearby, and there is a back mountain. An Xiaoer, I have prepared a surprise for you, about your son's illness, and the following. If you can't make it through, it depends on whether you care about your son or not!"

Mo Shenhan happened to see this news, and his expression sank immediately!

Thinking of the conflict between him and An Xiaoer a year ago because of Mo Qingge's conspiracy, now, when he thought about it, he felt very angry.

An Xiao'er looked at it, her face was also not good-looking.

"Mo Shenhan, we already have the antidote. Don't be afraid of her threat. Tell me, what should we do? Do you want to go there?"

However, Mo Shenhan called directly, then pressed the speakerphone, and called An Xiaoer.

Over there, someone answered the phone!

"An Xiaoer, you are quite courageous. How dare you call me?"

An Xiaoer just felt bored when she heard what Mo Qingge said, and now she answered directly, "Mo Qingge, why can't I call you? Also, if you told me to go to the back mountain, I will go ?”

"Naturally, you don't worry about your son? After all, the poison torture is very uncomfortable, isn't it?"

"Qingge, my good sister, you are really clever!"

Mo Shenhan's voice suddenly sounded at this moment.

Mo Qingge obviously didn't expect An Xiaoer to tell Mo Shenhan about this, she thought An Xiaoer wouldn't.

However, since Mo Shenhan knew about this matter, she didn't have so many worries, "Hehe, I'm not your sister, I'm the one who will ruin your family!"

Mo Qingge's voice was indifferent, and when she said such words, her words were even more confident and arrogant!
"呵~" Mo Shenhan was full of sarcasm when he heard Mo Qingge's words, "I'll tell you something now, your brother is busy dealing with some crisis, you want to go back and help him, Or choose to stay and deal with me?"

"En?" Mo Qingge was puzzled when she heard such words, "What did you do to my brother?"

"Well, you can find out by yourself, and you will know."

So, Mo Shenhan just hung up the phone!

Over there, after hearing such words, Mo Qingge had already thought about how to deal with Mo Shenhan and An Xiaoer, but at this moment, she felt a little confused.

So, he hurriedly made a phone call and gave it to his brother, Mo Shenlie.

"Brother, where are you?" Mo Qingge asked.

At the hotel, Mo Shenlie replied.

"What are you doing?" Mo Qingge thought of what Mo Shenhan said, so she naturally wanted to ask clearly.

"You don't have to worry about what you ask!" Mo Shenlie didn't tell her.

Mo Qingge narrowed her eyes slightly, and said, "Brother, let me tell you something. I was on the phone with Mo Shenhan just now, and he mentioned you. Look at you, he's already eyeing you!"

"I know! Ma Dan!"

Mo Shenlie didn't want to tell Mo Qingge about this at first, but now Mo Qingge knows, he doesn't have to hide so much, and cursed, "Mo Shenhan set me up, I now, We're in trouble!"

(End of this chapter)

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