Chapter 121 This Is Your Money

When Mo Shenhan heard An Xiaoer mention the remuneration, he raised his eyebrows, "What remuneration?"

"An Xiaoer, aren't you very noble? You tore up the [-] million check. It was my money for you. It's fine now, but it's just a kiss, and you offered me a reward?"

Mo Shenhan would never let go of the opportunity to mock An Xiaoer!

An Xiaoer was a little embarrassed, "Ahem, Mo Shenhan, what I tore up wasn't banknotes, it was just a check. You didn't lose even a single hair, but I took the check to the bank to withdraw money. Then you It's a loss, don't you think, you picked up a big bargain?"

An Xiaoer said embarrassingly, and then continued, "As for the remuneration, I think your father gave me a salary as high as one month, which is enough for me to spend. I don't need your money. Speaking of it, I also want to thank you for bringing me a salary. Come to such a wonderful night, if you want to pay, I don’t have such a high reward, I can give you a red Mao Zedong, 100 yuan, RMB, how about it?”

Saying this, An Xiaoer also compared a 1 with her index finger, representing the number of money.

Mo Shenhan's one night is worth 100 life coins? !

Mo Shenhan's face turned dark immediately, this woman who doesn't know what's good or what's wrong!

"good very good!"

He, Mo Shenhan, any business is worth tens of thousands of dollars, but she, An Xiaoer, actually treats him as a cowboy, who is worth 100 yuan a night.

Mo Shenhan was really mad at this hateful woman!
"Since you don't want any reward, what reward do you propose to me?"

Mo Shen gave An Xiaoer a cold look.

When An Xiaoer heard what Mo Shenhan said, she had a small calculation in her heart, thinking, if she asked Mo Shenhan that she hoped that An's could participate in the bidding for "Xihan Yiyu", I wonder if he would? promise?
"That... the reward doesn't have to be money, there are other things... Mo Shenhan, just pretend that I don't want your [-] million, and I want you to promise me one thing, can you?"

"Tell me." Mo Shenhan sat on the sofa beside him, folded his arms around his chest, and said to An Xiaoer with a wicked smile in his eyes.

He wants to see what tricks An Xiaoer wants to play with him!

An Xiaoer looked at Mo Shenhan's easy-going expression, and relaxed the tension in her heart a little, "Wait a minute, I'll make a phone call first."

After speaking, he took his mobile phone and hurried out to the corridor of the company.

Mo Shenhan didn't quite understand what An Xiaoer was thinking.

However, I didn't plan to find out, so I stood up and sat back at the computer desk, and got busy with work.

An Xiaoer stood in front of a window and started calling her mother Xiao Guirong.

"Mom, is everything settled?" An Xiaoer asked in a soft voice.

"Well, it's done, Xiao'er, you are so sensible, my mother dreamed about this day, and today finally came true, at noon today, my mother will move to An's house, you and Nian Nian, we Let's all go together!"

Xiao Guirong's tone was very happy. Hearing that her mother was so happy, An Xiaoer was originally worried about her mother, but she didn't know what to say to her mother, so she could only be happy for her.

"I'll help you pack some things at noon. Mom, what about her? Do you want to live together? "

"Hmph! Living with her? Impossible!" Xiao Guirong could naturally tell that An Xiaoer was talking about Liu Jingcheng, and her tone immediately turned bad.

(End of this chapter)

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