Chapter 122 Send Documents to Mo Shenhan
An Xiaoer heard her mother's unhappy tone, so she didn't ask too much, "It's fine if they don't live together, then they are divorced!"

"Well, divorced!" As soon as divorce was mentioned, Xiao Guirong's tone immediately improved a lot.

An Xiaoer was a little helpless, knowing that her mother had a heavy grievance with Liu Jingcheng, and her mother must hate her very much, so she didn't say too much.

"That's good. In the future, as you wish, you can finally become Mrs. An." An Xiaoer said these words, but she was actually unhappy in her heart.

"Haha...then you will come back at noon, help out, and take you and Niannian's things along with you."

"Mom, Niannian and I won't go..." An Xiaoer said awkwardly, An Xiaoer was not used to being in an environment with An Fengshao.

"Oh, well, as long as you like it, I won't force you." Xiao Guirong said, and finally explained that An Xiaoer must help An Fengshao get things done, and then hung up the phone.

An Xiao'er suddenly felt a little down, her mother's tone, there was always a feeling that her mother didn't really want her and Nian Nian to live in An's house, but just talking casually.

Is it an illusion?

Or, really just don't want to force her?

An Xiaoer stared at the phone in a daze for a while, then realized that she hadn't finished talking to Mo Shenhan, so she turned around and prepared to go back.

Just about to turn around, Lu Moxuan saw her.

"Xiao'er, what are you doing here?" Lu Moxuan held a stack of documents in her hand, and handed it to An Xiaoer by the way.

"This is for you, send it to Mo Shenhan, and I won't go there. Also, you did a very good job with the task I entrusted to you, which surprised me a little."

Lu Moxuan boasted of An Xiaoer's talent without hesitation. If she studies hard, she will definitely be a talent in the future!

An Xiaoer thought of the design drawing she had drawn not long ago, and seeing Lu Moxuan so happy, she felt a little embarrassed, "Master, I can't draw so well, but thank you for your encouragement, I will work hard!"

Lu Moxuan looked at An Xiaoer's humble appearance, blinked, and underestimated in her ear, "You are wrong, I never encourage people~"

His voice was soft, and An Xiaoer's ears were itchy when he said it, so she avoided it in embarrassment, "Thank you, Master, for your compliment!"

After that, she took the folder and hurried back to the president's office.

Seeing An Xiaoer's runaway appearance, Lu Moxuan immediately laughed, it's so cute!

An Xiaoer didn't stop until she reached the door of the CEO's office. Thinking of the way Lu Moxuan spoke in her ear just now, it was too ambiguous, she couldn't stand it!

Looking at the information in her hand, it turned out to be the list of shortlisted candidates for the bidding. An Xiaoer's heart was pounding. Will An's be shortlisted?
She opened the file and looked at it. The ones on the left were selected, and the ones on the right were eliminated. She secretly looked at it, Anshi, eliminated!

An Xiaoer's heart was beating suddenly, what should she do at this time?
The finalists were selected by Lu Moxuan, if she changed it without authorization, Mo Shenhan probably wouldn't find out, right?

However, the number of finalists was fixed, which meant that if she secretly let Anshi join, then she would have to throw away a company by the way so that no one would know it.

An Xiaoer was in conflict and didn't know what to do. If she changed it without authorization, it would be a disturbance to Mo's and unfair to other companies!However, if she didn't do this, she was worried and pleaded with Mo Shenhan, but he refused.

At this time, what should we do?Should he secretly help An Shi?
(End of this chapter)

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