The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 134 Looking for the next benefactor who will protect her

Chapter 134 Looking for the next benefactor
Chu Qingye was pushed away by An Xiaoer, his face was not very good-looking, and he was really angry after hearing her words!
"An Xiaoer, six years ago, you left without saying goodbye. You abandoned this relationship. You know how painful it was for me during that time? But what about you? You actually had a five-year-old child. What happened back then? What? I can understand that, are you heartless? Could it be that, as others said, you were taken over by others? "

In a fit of anger, Chu Qingye finally voiced out these doubts!
In fact, he didn't believe that An Xiaoer would be the kind of girl who would sell herself for money. After all, An Xiaoer used to choose love instead of wealth, didn't she?

However, maybe it was because of anger, or maybe he was provoked by An Xiaoer, so he said such a thing.

These words actually hit An Xiaoer. It turned out that even Chu Qingye thought of her that way!
However, the essence is the same. An Xiaoer did do similar things for money, but instead of being kidnapped, she sold a child. For the 1000 million, she was lucky enough to get a son.

"You are right, I was taken over by someone, but you will doubt it, you will not believe it, after all, the house here is not good, so I will tell you, I was taken away by someone, Afterwards, I was abandoned, and now, with a son, anyway, I am an abandoned good woman in the eyes of others, I trade my youth for money, whatever you think, and, although I am single now, I do not plan to have sex Boyfriend, on the contrary, I plan to continue looking for the next benefactor, Chu Qingye, do you want to be my next benefactor?"

An Xiaoer was very angry, and she said these words as she spoke, which was self-inflicted humiliation, but it also made Chu Qingye have a disgusted expression.

"An Xiaoer, you are not like this."

What about that An Xiaoer from before?The An Xiaoer that Chu Qingye loved was not like this, he couldn't accept such an Xiaoer at all.

"Chu Qingye, I don't think you intend to hug me. I can already see the disgust on your face. Besides, you don't have much money, and you don't have a woman with a spare wallet, do you? I'm leaving, please stay safe from now on. Don't bother me again."

An Xiaoer finally left, turned around and walked into the corridor. On the second floor, there was an elevator. She entered the elevator, and she was the only one in the elevator.

In this tight space, where she was the only one, An Xiaoer, who had a smile on her lips just now, no longer existed, and her face suddenly became lifeless as if it had been covered with dust.

Sudden disappointment, squatting in the corner, began to cry uncomfortably.

It turned out that even Chu Qingye thought she was that kind of woman. In fact, she was right. She was that kind of woman. No matter what her nature was, no matter what her reasons were, she only looked at the result. The result was that she traded her children for 1000 million!

Is not it?
But why, at this moment, I feel so uncomfortable?Stuffy, especially wronged?

The elevator stopped and started, but An Xiaoer was still very wronged. She turned around and went to the corridor, where she sat for a long time and cried silently for a long time.

She didn't understand whether everything that happened in the past six years was right or wrong, and what a pity it would be to miss the Chu Qingye who she once wanted to love in her life.

However, all of this is actually not her choice, she just had to do what she tried her best to do well!
If not for the 1000 million, I might not be able to see her mother now. Her mother was the one who grew up with her. Children, for 1000 million.

Because, in An Xiaoer's opinion, mother is very important!

 This one is even more updated, making up for last week's recommendation tickets full of [-] added updates~ The third update is over, good night, babies~

(End of this chapter)

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