The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 135 Nian Nian's Awesome Exam Paper

Chapter 135 Nian Nian's Awesome Exam Paper
Tears fell uncontrollably, but An Xiaoer didn't complain or blame anyone.

Maybe fate is like this, then, it’s good to be anxious, in the long river of fate, she is a small boat, and time is the flowing river water, where the river water makes the boat float, the boat will float there.

An Xiaoer looked at it calmly, without so many intense emotions.

This may have something to do with her age. When she grows up, she will take a lot of things lightly, and won't think so radically about why fate is unfair to me.

At the age of 24, she is no longer a teenage girl. She knows very well that only hard work is the choice to change her destiny. Complaining is always useless.

Those who don't understand her, don't understand her. After all, An Xiaoer doesn't want to get too involved with Chu Qingye. He thinks she is a bad woman, so he hates her and doesn't have anything to do with her. That's just right. That's what she wanted.

An Xiaoer got up, took out the keys, and was about to leave the stairs and enter the house. At this moment, the phone rang.

It's my mother's call, probably asking her why she hasn't come back for so long, right?

Now that she was already at home, An Xiaoer felt that there was no need to answer the phone at all, but she didn't hang up, and just opened the door by the way.

"Xiao'er, are you off work? Looking at you, I wonder why you haven't come back yet?"

Seeing her daughter enter the door, Xiao Guirong was immediately very happy, and a rare smile appeared on her face, full of joy.

Mother seldom smiles, this is An Xiaoer's impression, and it's really rare for her to smile so happily at the moment.

After all, today is the day she and An Fengshao receive their marriage certificate, so it's normal to be happy.

An Xiaoer smiled, "Mom, you look so pretty when you smile."

An Xiaoer really thinks that Xiao Guirong looks good when she smiles, much better than when she doesn't smile.

But Xiao Guirong sighed, "Hey, I'm old, but I'm really happy today. I've been waiting for this day for more than 20 years! It's been a long time!"

Xiao Guirong said, as if recalling the past, she fell into a trance.

At this moment, An Fengshao's voice sounded, "What are you mother and daughter doing standing at the door, are you stupid? Why don't you come over for dinner soon?"

He said it jokingly and in a good tone.

Today's mother is very different from the so-called father, and they both seem to be in a good mood!
However, An Xiaoer was sure that her mother was really happy, but she didn't know if An Fengshao was really happy.

An Xiaoer felt that An Fengshao's happiness was just faking. If she was happy, she felt that she was happy because she helped him win the Moyu Group's competition.

But she didn't say anything, no matter what, seeing this happy appearance, An Xiaoer can only hope that the days to come will be better.

"Mom, the test papers are handed out today, and the teacher said that the parents should sign them."

Mo Ruiyang looked at his mother and showed An Xiaoer the exam paper.

An Xiaoer knew about An Yingnian, and it was unbelievable that a sow could climb a tree to pass the exam, so she didn't have much attitude towards An Yingnian at all.

Thinking of what she said to Nian Nian last time, "Don't go home if you fail the exam", An Xiaoer worried that Nian Nian would take it seriously and cast a shadow on the child, so she sighed, "Nian Nian, yes Didn’t you fail the exam again? It’s okay, mom won’t force you in the future, if you don’t understand, just ask mom, mom will teach you patiently.”

(End of this chapter)

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