The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 136 Mo Shenhan's Careful Thoughts

Chapter 136 Mo Shenhan's Careful Thoughts

An Xiaoer comforted Nian Nian, her tone was also good-natured, she thought, Nian Nian's grades are not good, it might be because she didn't study hard.

Well, her tone should be better, teach Nian Nian seriously, at least she has made progress.

In fact, she has a headache for Nian Nian. When she was in elementary school, she always got full marks in the exams. When she was in middle school, she was also a top student. Why could Nian Nian's grades be so poor?
Bad genes?But her genes are not bad, right?

An Xiaoer couldn't figure it out, and after thinking for a long time, she thought of the child's father.

It must be that the man from that night six years ago had bad genes, must have been a very stupid kind, Nian Nian inherited that man's genes, that's why he failed the exam.

After all, a person who broke into her house out of nowhere to take advantage of her, no matter how good his grades were, his character would have been extremely poor!
An Xiaoer felt that the problem must be with that man.

An Xiaoer scolded that man in her heart!

Mo Shenhan, who was in the president's office of the Moyu Group, suddenly sneezed. He didn't understand what was going on, and stared at the computer with an inexplicably gloomy expression.

Suddenly he thought of An Xiaoer. After he calmed down, he recalled that just now when he was watching the surveillance through his mobile phone, he saw An Xiaoer standing at the door and not coming in, staring at the folder in a daze.

Later, after An Xiaoer came in, she begged him, hoping that An's would join in Xihan Yiyu's matter.

But, in fact, if it were someone else, they could manipulate the documents without anyone noticing, how could they be like An Xiaoer who did nothing and foolishly begged him?

However, An Xiaoer didn't do any tricks, but chose to beg him, beg him as much as possible, even if she lowered the bottom line again and again, even if he might not agree to her.

How long did she struggle at the door before finally deciding to stick to the moral bottom line?

She didn't want to make decisions on her own, and let those selected be harmed by her selfishness, so she chose to ask him.

Such quality is really good!

Suddenly, Mo Shenhan felt much better. He took the meal prepared by Lin Xi, put down his work, and started to eat.

Suddenly thinking of this detail, I feel that An Xiaoer's character is actually really good. Perhaps, family affection is really important to her. Although An Fengshao is not good to her, maybe An Xiaoer and others think different?

Mo Shenhan took that document, added An's to the Moyu Group's case, and wrote down a series of requirements.

An Xiaoer looked at the exam paper that Nian Nian gave her. She hadn't read the preparations she had already made, and kept telling herself that even if Nian Nian failed the exam, she would not insult him or scold him!
"Nian Nian... what did you do?" An Xiaoer still couldn't hold back, her voice suddenly became sharp.

This is really, really incredible!
miss him...

As soon as Xiao Guirong put the bowls and chopsticks on the table, she heard An Xiaoer's sharp voice. In the past, if Nian Nian failed the exam, An Xiaoer would be like this, and then she began to scold her!

It's no wonder that An Xiao'er is angry. Kindergarten children failed the exam. This is really irritating, but...

Xiao Guirong is the kind who loves children more, and will always stand up at this time.

"Xiao'er, let's eat first, Nian Nian is still young, it won't be too late to start studying after primary school."

However, when Xiao Guirong took a pleasing glance at the examination paper, she was stunned, [-] points? ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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