The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 137 Are You Really My Son Nian Nian?

Chapter 137 Are You Really My Son Nian Nian?
[-] points? !
An Yingnian got [-] points in the test? !That An Yingnian who had difficulty getting even [-] points in the test and often failed, this time, actually got [-] points in the test? !This is really amazing!
"My God!" Xiao Guirong was stunned. At this moment, she looked at An Xiao'er, then at An Yingnian, and then at the two of them again. She was also stunned.

It turned out that An Xiaoer's sharp voice just now was not because of anger, but because of surprise, just like Xiao Guirong's reaction now.

"Nian Nian, you..." Xiao Guirong snatched the exam paper from An Xiaoer's hand, looked at the exam paper carefully, and indeed, she answered everything correctly.

Moreover, not only one test paper has [-] points, but the three test papers, Chinese, Mathematics, and English all have [-] points!
Oh my god, An Yingnian, who usually failed the exam, got full marks in all three subjects!

In the kindergarten that Niannian attended, the lessons learned were a little more difficult than ordinary kindergarten children, so when Niannian did not do well in the exams, Xiao Guirong would use this to comfort An Xiaoer and tell her not to give the child too much Pressure, now, the topic has changed.

"Sure enough, I didn't go to an ordinary kindergarten. The children I teach are just extraordinary. Nian Nian, you are really amazing!"

As she said that, Xiao Guirong became excited and hugged Nian Nian.

"Eat, today is a good day for double happiness!"

An Xiaoer hadn't reacted from the surprise, but Xiao Guirong had already happily carried Nian Nian to the dinner table. After she realized it, she pinched her arm several times abruptly.

It hurts!

It seems that I am not dreaming!

Nian Nian really scored [-] points in the test, my God, what kind of crooked ways did this go?

However, An Xiaoer was still very happy, because of happiness, excitement, and joy, she was in a very good mood, and her heart was pounding.

It's like the excitement of taking part in a 5000-meter long-distance race and getting the first place.

An Xiaoer was also sitting at the dinner table, but she didn't eat right away, but read the exam paper that she read for a long time.

Until, the little boy who got full marks in the exam was a little nervous when he saw his mother's happy face.

Could it be that he did something wrong?

"Mom..." Mo Ruiyang looked at An Xiaoer and called her.

"En?" An Xiaoer looked up at her son, but she still didn't recover from the excitement.

"Eat quickly, let's watch after dinner, okay?" Mo Ruiyang always said in the tone of a little adult, looking at An Xiaoer now.

An Xiaoer was still in a daze. She looked at Nian Nian for a long time, but she still didn't realize, "Nian Nian, are you really mother's child? Are you not a fake?"

An Xiaoer can't figure it out. It seems that Nian Nian has changed a lot during this period of time. Since when did it become like this?
It seems that the last time, after bringing Nian Nian home, she changed. At that time, Nian Nian’s clothes changed, her personality also changed, she seemed to be more obedient and smarter, but it was not like before. So lively.

An Xiaoer always couldn't figure it out, she stared at Nian Nian, trying to figure out why.

When Mo Ruiyang was looked at by An Xiaoer like this, his heart was trembling. Could it be, did mother find something wrong?
At that time, when he and Niannian switched identities, he didn't know what kind of person An Yingnian was. If he had known, he should have failed the exam and passed the exam. However, money is hard to buy, and he had known!

Now, are you going to be seen through by your mother?
(End of this chapter)

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