The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 138 Hong Guoguo's Filial Piety

Chapter 138 Hong Guoguo's Filial Piety
Now, are you going to be seen through by your mother?What if mother knew that he was not Nian Nian?Will it drive him away?
What if she asked where Nian Nian went?
Mo Ruiyang looked at his mother and didn't know how to answer. He was not a good liar either, so he could only look at his mother without saying anything or showing any unnecessary expressions.

For a moment, An Xiaoer felt that her son was very similar to Mo Shenhan again, my God, what is going on, why is he always in my mind?

"Mom..." Mo Ruiyang looked at his mother and wanted to answer her question, but he didn't know how to answer.

Xiao Guirong looked at An Xiaoer, and pulled the chair next to her all of a sudden, An Xiaoer was startled.

Xiao Guirong patted the table, "Xiao'er, what's the matter with you, isn't Nian Nian your son, is it someone else's son? Do you think you are stupid, you are angry when Nian Nian failed the exam, and Nian Nian passed the exam. It's good for you, I suspect that your son is not your son, how can you be such a mother?"

Xiao Guirong scolded An Xiao'er, and she was a little unhappy.

"Ahem..." An Xiaoer also realized that her reaction was too intense, so she quickly bit her lower lip.

"Nian Nian, hurry up and eat, my mother is too surprised and unbelievable... Of course Nian Nian is mother's child, mother is stupid and said the wrong thing, don't mind Nian Nian!"

Mo Ruiyang saw that his mother finally didn't have such a big reaction after talking about it because of his grandma. He was relieved, and his mother's suspicion subsided.

Although Mo Ruiyang was also nervous because of his mother's intense reaction, he was afraid that his mother would recognize him as Nian Nian or something.

However, Mo Ruiyang was still very calm on the surface. In this regard, he was really similar to Mo Shenhan. It was no wonder that An Xiaoer felt that the child was like Mo Shenhan.

After slowly calming down, the four people on the table began to eat. Xiao Guirong was obviously very happy, and kept feeding the three people on the table one by one.

An Xiaoer has never seen her mother so happy in all these years.

Although I don't know if my mother will live happily with An Fengshao in the future, I still imagine a better future and hope they will be happy.

"Xiao'er, did you help Dad with the matter of Xihan Yiyu?" After eating for a while, An Fengshao began to ask An Xiaoer when it was almost finished.

Mo Ruiyang was stunned for a while when he heard the words "cherish the cold and one jade". He knew that his father's company was working on this case, and his mother worked in his father's company.

It seems that grandpa is begging mom to help dad with something?

But he was very calm, just eating with his head down, quietly watching what his mother and grandpa had to say.

"Well, I told Mo Shenhan, let's wait for the result. Actually, I'm not sure he will agree, but I will try my best to help you." An Xiaoer said, this sentence is the most pertinent answer.

But it made An Fengshao's face darken, "An Xiaoer, you are playing with me, right? You don't want to help me at all, do you? Just say, try to help me, do you treat me as a three-year-old child and coax me to play?"

An Fengshao's anger came all at once, which startled An Xiaoer and made Mo Ruiyang's heart skip a beat.

"Xiao'er said she would help you, so she will help you. I'm married to you, right? Xiao'er is the most filial, and she will definitely help us. Can you calm down first?"

Xiao Guirong saw An Fengshao trying to get angry with An Xiaoer, and quickly comforted her, but these words seemed to put more pressure on An Xiaoer.

Xiaoer is the most filial and will definitely help us.

Hong Guoguo's moral kidnapping!

(End of this chapter)

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