The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 139 The Right to Decide Is Mo Shenhan

Chapter 139 The Right to Decide Is Mo Shenhan

"Xiao'er is the most filial, she will definitely help us!"

Xiao Guirong's words are obviously Hong Guoguo's moral kidnapping.

Mo Ruiyang could hear it, and his face was a little displeased. He glanced at his mother and grandma, and couldn't help wondering, is mother really grandma's daughter?Grandma treats mother too much...

However, maybe everyone treats children differently. After all, dad is also very cold to him.

Could it be that, dad, it's not his own dad?

Mo Ruiyang shook his head, thinking that this... is unlikely.

Observing her mother's expression carefully, An Xiaoer was obviously stunned for a long time because of Xiao Guirong's words.

His face was a little dazed, obviously he didn't expect his mother to say that.

However, after being stiff for a few seconds, she smiled, "Mom, I will try my best to help."

Now Xiao Guirong is not happy anymore, it really can't be perfunctory for her and An Fengshao, right?
The smile on her face sank, she looked at An Xiao'er, "Xiao'er, you must help your father, by doing this, you are also helping your mother, do you know that?"

Now, the expressions of An Fengshao and Xiao Guirong were basically the same, showing the same emotion, making her must help An's.

An Xiaoer's heart skipped a beat for no reason.

Although she said that she was trying her best to help, even if they didn't tell her, she was still trying her best to help, but the feeling of being forced at this moment is not very pleasant.

"Understood, I said I will do my best to help, but the decision rests with Mo Shenhan, doesn't it?"

After biting her lower lip, An Xiaoer said calmly, and comforted herself by saying, don't be glassy, ​​it's just that what they said was a bit heavy.

In fact, her heart was still hurt by her mother's tough attitude.

However, maybe mother just took An Fengshao too seriously.

If a woman loves a man so much, she should not try to compete with An Fengshao for favor.

However, An Xiaoer paid a lot, how much did they see?

How did Xiao Guirong know that An Xiaoer's "trying to help" had reached the point of begging Mo Shenhan, begging her to be his woman, begging if he could be his woman, in exchange for An's participation What about the qualifications for "cherishing the cold and one jade"?
"Mom, this is for you to eat."

Mo Ruiyang has basically been quietly observing Xiao Guirong, An Xiaoer, and An Fengshao's emotions. At a young age, he knows a lot, but he can't solve any problems. He was also in a bad mood with Shi's disappointed expression on his face.

The heart-warming little padded jacket put a crayfish into mother's bowl.

An Xiaoer looked at the things in the bowl, and at the faint smile on Baby's lips, her heart warmed in vain.

Without thinking too much, I picked it up, and after the shell exploded, I ate it with relish.

"Well, it's delicious~"

An Xiaoer smiled happily.

Although An Fengshao and Xiao Guirong were not satisfied with An Xiaoer's answer, they at least got her promise that they would do their best to help. Besides, what An Xiaoer said was quite reasonable, the decision rested with Mo Shenhan. It's not for An Xiaoer to decide.

It's not good to make the relationship too awkward, Xiao Guirong served An Xiao'er a bowl of soup, "You are full, drink another bowl of soup to warm your stomach."

The meal probably ended like this. After the meal, An Xiaoer helped her mother pack some things to take away, so she started to get busy.

And what about Chu Qingye?He met a man...

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(End of this chapter)

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