Chapter 140 Who Was That Woman Just Now?

As for Chu Qingye, looking at An Xiaoer who turned to leave after saying those words, he looked at her back and felt that she was far away from him.

It's also far, far away from the An Xiao'er in his heart. Has she really changed?

Maybe six years will really change a person.

But Chu Qingye still didn't believe that An Xiaoer was the kind of woman who sold her body for money.

She said, "You're right. I've been taken over by someone. I don't want to have a boyfriend. I plan to continue looking for the next benefactor. Chu Qingye, do you want to be my next benefactor?"

She said, "Chu Qingye, I don't think you intend to marry me. I can already see the disgust on your face. Besides, you don't have any spare money to take care of women, do you? I'm leaving, please stay safe from now on Don't bother me again."

Chu Qingye's heart was really lost, but she still didn't want to believe that An Xiaoer was that kind of superficial woman.

Is she looking for the next patron?

If An Xiaoer knew that he was actually the kind of person capable of becoming her benefactor, what would her reaction be?

Will she change her attitude 180 degrees and beg him like those gold diggers?

Chu Qingye didn't know.

Moreover, Chu Qingye didn't want to humiliate An Xiaoer, nor did she want to humiliate herself.

She looked at An Xiaoer who disappeared into the stairs, a self-deprecating smile suddenly appeared on the corner of her lips, then she turned around, ready to leave.

He was a little lost, he didn't understand that she agreed to ask An Xiaoer to have dinner last time, why did he just ignore him now?
Chu Qingye took out the car keys and was about to get in the car, but met a person.

To be exact, someone suddenly got off the side car and stood in front of him.

"Chu Qingye." A man's voice sounded.

He is tall and has a handsome face with sharp edges and corners, but because of the indifference in his eyes, it makes people feel intimidated, a kind of cold aura.

This man is quite indifferent, and this kind of indifference is not the usual indifference, but rather cold into the heart, like a cloudy night, oppressive and dull.

Gives a bad feeling.

Chu Qingye looked up at him, he knew him and had met him several times, but he was not familiar with him.

"Mo Shenlie? Do you have relatives living here?" Chu Qingye looked at the man and asked.

Chu Qingye was not familiar with Mo Shenlie, and he didn't like this person's character. Although he hadn't dealt with him much, he just didn't like this person intuitively.

Someone called him now, and he was just saying hello out of politeness.

"No, I saw you and followed me." I didn't expect Mo Shenlie's words to be so direct, and so... Puzzling.

"What do you mean?" Intuitively feeling that he said such words with malicious intentions, Chu Qingye looked at him, and his face darkened accordingly.

"It seems that the young master of the Mo family likes to do such disgraceful things like stalking others!"

Just like his life experience, disgraceful!
However, Chu Qingye didn't say the last sentence. He didn't like to meddle in other people's business, and he didn't even have the slightest thought of meddling in the affairs of the Mo family.

He just knew that Mo Shenlie was the illegitimate son of the Mo family.

"Hehe..." Mo Shenlie laughed dryly when he heard Chu Qingye's words, regardless of Chu Qingye's sarcasm, he only asked the topic he cared about, "Who is that woman?"

This was the second time he saw Chu Qingye entangled with this woman.

However, who is Chu Qingye with, and what does he care about Mo Shenlie?Could it be that he still likes Chu Qingye?
(End of this chapter)

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