Chapter 141 The Man Who Framed An Xiaoer

"Who is that woman?" Mo Shenlie questioned Chu Qingye.

Moreover, his complexion was not good-looking, as if Chu Qingye had done some heinous thing when dating An Xiaoer.

A big man pointed at a woman and asked who that woman was, and he still had an angry expression on his face. In the eyes of outsiders, it was full of affection.

People who don't know think that these two men have that kind of relationship.

And one day, one of the men suddenly felt that the same sex had no future, so he dated the opposite sex.

Then, the other man complained: "We are so happy together, how can you say that you abandon this relationship and abandon it, why are you with another woman so soon?"

Thinking of that scene, I suddenly felt a mess in the wind.

Then, the other party replied: "I know that same-sex is true love, but the inheritance of the family must continue, so let's break up, I want to live a normal married life."

My God, when I think of that kind of picture, what else is there besides the mess in the wind?
It's just too discordant.

But in fact, Chu Qingye and Mo Shenlie are not that kind of "same-sex true love" relationship.

Chu Qingye is not even familiar with the man in front of him, okay?

He has no right to question him at all, who is that woman just now.

Therefore, Chu Qingye would not tell Mo Shenlie at all, and directly said indifferently, "Master Mo Family, you care too much! I hope you will do less of following others in the future."

After speaking, Chu Qingye was about to get in the car and leave.

Mo Shenlie did not let Chu Qingye go so easily, he stretched out his hand and blocked Chu Qingye's way.

"I seem to have heard you say just now that her name is An Xiaoer."

When he said this, Mo Shenlie's lips curled up with an evil, inevitable smile.

Chu Qingye still knew something about Mo Shenlie's temperament, and he had also heard that this person was insidious and cunning, and he only looked at the results when doing things, and had no bottom line.

Anyway, he is not a good person, let alone someone to mess with.

At this moment, Chu Qingye looked at the cold smile on Mo Shenlie's face, and always felt that he was thinking of something that was not good for An Xiaoer.

"Mo Shenlie, I don't care what you do that is shameful, but if you dare to touch An Xiaoer's hair, I will definitely not let you go!"

Chu Qingye looked at Mo Shenlie with a strong warning.

However, Mo Shenlie's face turned ugly when he heard it, "Chu Qingye, have you forgotten whose boyfriend you are? If you dare to make Qingge sad, let's see who will show respect to whom!"

Mo Shenlie was warned by Chu Qingye, and he didn't mean to be afraid, but instead glared at him angrily.

The eyes of the two men met, because of the anger, which was almost a hundred thousand fires, making the faces of both of them extremely cold.

Chu Qingye's eyes were as sharp as an eagle's, his warning was not like a joke at all.

And Mo Shenlie's warning was also very serious, his face was cold and heavy, like stagnant water in the middle of the night without any waves.

Seeing that Chu Qingye dared to stare at him so righteously, he immediately felt very upset, and said lightly, "If I have already touched An Xiaoer, I would not only touch a single hair of her, but let her What about her? What can you do to me?"

Mo Shenlie is not joking, this is indeed true!

The last time An Xiao'er was covered by someone, then passed out, and was taken to the Beauty Club for auction, isn't that person who secretly manipulated her is Mo Shenlie?

 Aww, Yaya is coding in the middle of the night. The first update on Saturday will be posted late at night. It’s the weekend. Whether you add more or not, it’s up to you to recommend book reviews and rewards~
(End of this chapter)

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