The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 142 Mo Shenhan is An Xiaoer's Lucky

Chapter 142 Mo Shenhan is An Xiaoer's Lucky
"What if I have already touched An Xiaoer, not just a hair of her hair, but let someone take her turn? What can you do to me?"

Mo Shenlie's icy eyes were full of viciousness and warning. What he said was Hong Guoguo's provocation!

However, this is not a provocation, but a fact.

What happened to An Xiaoer last time, she was covered by someone, brought into the car, and then taken to the beauty club, but it was all secretly overridden by Mo Shenlie.

It's not that An Xiaoer is upset, but because An Xiaoer went to eat with Chu Qingye, which made Mo Shenlie feel: the relationship between Chu Qingye and that woman seems to be not simple!
This is not acceptable, Chu Qingye is so ambiguous with other women, it is a betrayal of his sister!
He was very angry, so he attacked the woman who was having dinner with Chu Qingye!Sending someone to the beauty club will directly destroy that woman.

Mo Shenlie's actions at that time were only for his sister, that's all.

Why do you say that you did that for your sister?

Because, Mo Qingge's boyfriend is Chu Qingye!

Mo Shenlie and Mo Qingge have been in France for these years.

Mo Qingge and Chu Qingye met in France. Mo Qingge was very enthusiastic about this boyfriend, even to the point of being insane. She loved her very much. She often said to Mo Shenlie arrogantly: "Chu Qingye How so good!

That is simply the elation of a girl's heart.

Because of Mo Qingge's relationship, Mo Shenlie and Chu Qingye have met several times, and his impression of Chu Qingye is not bad.

Just okay!

In Mo Shenlie's view, Chu Qingye's being able to be with his sister is all the blessings that Chu Qingye cultivated in his previous life!

His sister is the treasure in his palm!

Since his younger sister likes him, Mo Shenlie is also very supportive of them being together, but he feels that Chu Qingye's attitude towards Mo Qingge seems to be rather cold.

I thought, maybe it's just his character.

However, after returning to the country, a chance meeting, unexpectedly met Chu Qingye having dinner with a woman, Mo Shenlie immediately became angry, thinking that his sister had a rival in love!
Without further ado, I attacked that woman!Whoever she is, robbing his sister for a boyfriend is to teach her a hard lesson!

So An Xiaoer was sadly taken to the Beauty Club, sadly tied to a cross, and sadly bought for [-] million.

However, perhaps Mo Shenhan is her luck!

It was Mo Shenhan who lay next to An Xiaoer that night, not that middle-aged man!

Of course, Mo Shenlie didn't know about An Xiaoer's luck, he just thought that she was really trampled on,

What made him even more happy was, how could he be so lucky?Coincidentally, the person who framed her was An Xiaoer!

An Xiaoer!The object of his bet with Mo Shenhan was An Xiaoer!

Now, he has won that bet!
After all, An Xiaoer has been defiled. Moreover, Mo Shenhan has a deep cleanliness habit. If he knew how dirty An Xiaoer was, he would never touch him!

It turned out that God was helping him!
Mo Shenlie was overjoyed by this discovery, but of course he didn't know that the person lying next to An Xiaoer that night was actually Mo Shenhan.

How could Mo Shenhan do something he wasn't sure about?In fact, Mo Shenlie had already lost this bet from the very beginning, but he still complacently thought that he must win!

"What did you say?" When Chu Qingye heard Mo Shenlie's words, he immediately became angry, and punched him hard on the left side of the cheek!
 The second update is over~ la la la~ please support please support please support!

(End of this chapter)

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