The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 143 If 1 members of a family live together

Chapter 143 If a Family of Four Stays Together

Chu Qingye's punch was not light, and Mo Shenlie fell to the ground immediately.

He fell to the ground, and the left side of his face turned purple, and blood flowed out.

However, Chu Qingye didn't stop because of this, and then walked over and punched the person who fell on the ground several times.

Chu Qingye's fists hit Chu Qingye's face and his chest, each punch was extremely heavy.

That sentence: And let people take her turn!It was extremely harsh to Chu Qingye's ears just like that!
Mo Shenlie didn't like soft food either. Now that he was being beaten by Chu Qingye, he was at a disadvantage at first, but then he raised his fist and hit back at Chu Qingye ruthlessly.

The two men fought like that, and no one tried to persuade the fight. Passers-by saw it, but hid far away. Besides, it was meal time, so there was no one there, let alone go up to pull the two men away. personal.

They hugged each other, you punched each other, and they yelled and cursed!

"Chu Qingye, you're making sense of going with other women behind my sister's back, don't you?" Mo Shenlie punched Chu Qingye's chest, but found that the strength of his strike was getting weaker and weaker.

Chu Qingye's strength is also getting weaker and weaker, it is obvious that both of them are tired from fighting.

But Chu Qingye still tried his best to teach him a lesson, "Repeat what you said just now, you said you let someone bully An Xiaoer?"

Chu Qingye felt that he was just talking quickly, because he felt that Mo Shenlie and An Xiaoer didn't know each other before, and the possibility of An Xiaoer messing with Mo Shenlie was extremely small, so, being treated like that by Mo Shenlie The possibility of treatment is also very small.

The reason why he taught Mo Shenlie severely was because what he said insulted An Xiaoer!
Mo Shenlie saw how fierce Chu Qingye's performance was, and now he didn't dare to admit that he had someone frame An Xiao'er, so he just kept silent and kept silent!

And mentioned Mo Qingge, "If you dare to make Qingge sad, you will not let anyone go when you see him!"

In the end, it seemed that they were tired from the beating, and the two of them had no strength to beat each other, and they lay on the ground panting.

After a long time, Chu Qingye stood up, and Mo Shenlie also stood up. The two snorted coldly, and left with injuries all over their bodies.

It was already three o'clock in the afternoon when An Xiaoer and the others finished their meal and packed up their things to go to settle down.

Chu Qingye and Mo Shenlie had already left.

"Mom, from now on grandma will live at grandpa's house, will we still live here?" Mo Ruiyang asked An Xiao'er tentatively with his big black grape-like eyes while carrying a small bag.

In fact, he wanted to say, Mom, since you work in Dad's company, since you have met Dad, why don't you further develop your relationship with him, for example, get married...?
In fact, Mo Ruiyang was not sure that An Xiaoer was his mother, but he felt that his mother was very kind to him, and he felt that An Xiaoer was his biological mother.

However, he is really curious, what is the relationship between father and mother with him and Nian Nian?I don't know how Nian Nian's life in the Mo family is like.

"Yeah, don't be afraid of Nian Nian. Although Mom is not free to go to work, she won't leave you alone. Mom will invite a nanny to take care of you, okay? Besides, it's not Doraemon who will accompany you Shouldn't Nian Nian be afraid?"

As she spoke, An Xiaoer glanced at her son, then at Doraemon beside him, and said with a smile.

"Meow meow~" Doraemon seemed to know that An Xiaoer said it, and also called out a few times.

 Aww, please support! ! !A lot of collections, babies!

(End of this chapter)

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