Chapter 149 Mom, I Dreamed About Dad

Mo Ruiyang looked at his mother and observed her carefully, but he didn't want to miss any expression on her face.

What she asked An Xiaoer was: Why do other children have a father, but Nian Nian does not.

And he is not Nian Nian, so Mo Ruiyang's way of questioning is still very skillful.

When An Xiaoer heard her son say this, she thought that Niannian saw that other children had fathers, but he didn't, so she immediately sighed.

Yes, other people's children have fathers, mothers, and a complete family. Why doesn't Niannian have one?

I remembered that when I was very young, I once asked my mother similar questions, why do other people's parents live together, why other fathers are so good to other children, but my own father is different?

An Xiaoer also grew up in such an environment. She didn't understand many things when she was young, but when she asked her mother, her mother kept a cold face, "Other people's children are different from you, do you understand? Don't ask me such things in the future, you know?"

Afterwards, An Xiaoer didn't dare to ask any more. When she saw the difference between others and herself, she could only envy her, and put all her doubts in her heart.

That kind of feeling is uncomfortable, An Xiaoer knows it very well!
Now, seeing her son ask her similar words, her heart aches, "Nian Nian, do you envy other children who have fathers?"

She actually thought about getting married and giving her children a complete family, even if it was a reorganized family, it would be better than not having a father!

However, An Xiaoer has heard a lot of comments. For example, after getting married, there will be a new child. The new child will be loved by the parents, but her son will lose the original happiness because of this. He was also afraid that after getting married, that man would treat his son badly, so he looked at Nian Nian happily every day and smiled carelessly. She thought, the child is happy here now, which is actually quite good.

Later, An Xiaoer gave up the idea of ​​going on a blind date!

Moreover, the environment in which she grew up was special, and what her so-called father, An Fengshao, did, made her not expect too much from men!
Why put your hopes on a man?That's the silliest thing ever!Only when you have money and you become your own queen, such a hungry day can be called a pleasure!
With such a mentality, An Xiaoer didn't think about getting married in the past!

So, I took the child alone and lived for five years. For those five years, because of the 1000 million, even if it was the money for the mother's medical treatment, it would not take that much. Not so sad!

She thought it would be all right, and Nian Nian had asked him several times why he didn't have a father, but she never asked again, because she thought the child didn't need a father, so she didn't think about these questions.

But now, facing Nian Nian's question, An Xiaoer panicked. Should she get married and give her child a complete family?

But what if the other party treats his son badly?
Unexpectedly, Niannian looked at the anxious An Xiaoer, and finally said, "Mom, I'm not envious of other children having fathers, but... I dreamed a dream. Little boys I look exactly like, I run over to play with them, have so much fun..."

 Aww~ A few days ago, I wrote that An Xiaoer was taking cold medicine, which was so bitter that I spit it out. Then Yaya caught a cold recently and felt uncomfortable. The cold medicine I took today was also very bitter. Is this...retribution?Ahhh...

  Seeing that readers are urging me to update, I admit that I have written a little less these days. In order to make up for it, I will update 4 chapters today~ Aww~ I will make a promise first before I have the motivation to type on the keyboard~
  Thank you baby for your support, thank you very much for being here all the time~ ummmada~ The weather is getting colder, everyone pay attention to adding clothes~
(End of this chapter)

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