The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 150 So There Really Is Another Child

Chapter 150 So There Really Was Another Child

An Xiaoer thought that Nian Nian was envious that other children had fathers but he didn't, and was worrying whether her son would be affected, but unexpectedly, Nian Nian mentioned that she had a dream.

But thinking about the content of the dream immediately made An Xiaoer's eyes widen, and when she was not careful, tears came down again. She was afraid of revealing the panic in her heart, so she quickly covered her mouth with her hands, and turned her head to look aside.

Did Niannian have a dream?Dreamed of the child's father, dreamed of her other child? !Have you ever dreamed of them playing together?

Then, Nian Nian should be very happy in the dream, so now I am looking forward to it, so I asked her.

An Xiaoer's heart ached suddenly!
She hasn't even seen that child since she was born. Now that six years have passed, every time An Xiaoer thinks of the child, she feels sad and sad. I don't know if he is doing well?Is it as happy as Nian Nian said to be with Dad.

An Xiaoer's face was already pale and mummified.

However, because he is afraid of being seen by Nian Nian, he has to hold on. This feeling is really uncomfortable!
Mo Ruiyang watched his mother's reaction with deep and wise eyes like black grapes.

The so-called dream, dreamed of my father, and a little boy who looked like him, and said that they went to play together and were very happy, but he made it up.

Mo Ruiyang just wanted to test his mother and see her reaction.

Because he didn't understand, who was his real mother, the mother who was lying in the hospital, or the current mother.

However, judging from An Xiaoer's reaction, there was indeed something wrong, and her mother seemed very sad, so the assumption that she was her mother's child was more reliable.

Besides, during this period of getting along, Mo Ruiyang felt An Xiaoer's doting and caring maternal love. He was very greedy for this feeling. Intuitively, maternal love is like this.

Mo Ruiyang felt that the fact that An Xiao'er was his biological mother was more reliable!

So, why did it turn out that the woman lying in the hospital was my mother?

What is going on between the Mo family and the Lin family?

Besides, Grandpa likes the Lin family very much and has always wanted to marry the Lin family. Assuming that An Xiaoer is really his mother, then what should I do?
Can he bring his mother home?

Does Dad know about Mom's existence?If you know, why don't you come to find your mother? If you don't know, how can mother and father have children?
Mo Ruiyang still had a lot of puzzles, and those doubts filled his mind, which gave him a headache, and he didn't dare to act rashly, for fear that if he was not careful, he would harm his mother.

"Mom, do I really have a younger brother with Dad? Mom, why don't you take me to live with Dad? In this way, we will be very happy!"

Although he knew that An Xiao'er was in pain at the moment, Mo Ruiyang continued to test his mother ruthlessly. Only when he knew what was going on could he find a better solution.

An Xiaoer had tried her best to be patient, afraid of showing her emotions, but facing Nian Nian's repeated inquiries, An Xiaoer couldn't stand it anymore.

"Woooo..." An Xiaoer couldn't take it anymore because of the emotional agitation in her heart, and cried while holding Nian Nian.

"Nian Nian, since you dreamed that you could play with them, then they should be having a good time. Mom really didn't expect that you would have such a dream, but, Nian Nian, didn't your mother tell you Is it? Your father has already gone to heaven!"

 The second update is over~ Yaya said that there are 4 chapters to be updated today, and there are 2 more updates, I will continue to type on the keyboard, my dears, vote for more recommendations, if the recommendation votes reach 100, you will add more~

(End of this chapter)

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