The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 155 An Xiaoer Hit the Muzzle of a Gun

Chapter 155 An Xiaoer Hit the Muzzle of a Gun
It's nothing extreme, the photo with an unclear man, probably the person who sent the email didn't have such a photo, or he must have sent it.

Mo Shenhan looked at the photo above, and the corners of his raised lips showed a dangerous arc.

What is the purpose of the other party sending him such an email?
Moreover, the mailbox number is unknown, and the account number is just a random account, so it is impossible to tell who it is.

Mo Shenhan guessed that this account was newly created. After all, if someone just wanted to send him these messages, and it was an email address that could not be identified, it would most likely be a newly created account.

Mo Shenhan checked and found that the address was in an Internet cafe, and it was a black Internet cafe. It would be difficult to find the person who sent the email.

However, Mo Shenhan imagined, what does it mean that the other party sent him such a picture?
And the content on the title is very eye-catching: An Xiaoer's promiscuous performance!

Such a title, for various reasons, Mo Shenhan will definitely read it, and he will read it very seriously!
Mo Shenhan suddenly thought of the bet with Mo Shenlie!If he didn't sleep with An Xiaoer, it means he lost!
Is that, the guy who emailed him, for that reason?
How did that person know that the person in the beauty club that night was An Xiaoer?
After all, in the vast sea of ​​people, the probability of accidentally meeting someone, remembering her, and asking for that person's personal information is very small.

Mo Shenhan remembered that that night, An Xiaoer was drugged, and after that, they had a substantial relationship under that circumstance.

Afterwards, Mo Shenhan sent someone to investigate specifically who was playing tricks on An Xiaoer, but they did not find any useful consequences.

The two gangsters who kidnapped him fell into the river and drowned because they were drunk in the bar!

There is no such thing as a coincidence!

Don't think about the reason for that incident, just say at this moment, what is the reason why Mo Shenhan received such a photo?

Although that person tried his best to cover up, Mo Shenhan didn't know who sent the email, but Mo Shenhan thought that after he saw this email, the consequence would be that he would be disgusted with An Xiaoer!
This is also the purpose of that person!In order to make him feel disgusted by An Xiaoer, he refused to touch An Xiaoer, which resulted in him losing the bet in the end!
Although I'm not sure if the person who sent this email is Mo Shenlie, but I'm 80.00% sure, I'm sure!
Mo Shenhan even speculated that An Xiaoer was sent to the beauty club because she had something to do with Mo Shenlie.

However, he felt that such a guess was not valid. After all, An Xiaoer and Mo Shenlie had no intersection, unless it was because of him!

However, Mo Shenhan also felt that it was impossible, because, in the eyes of outsiders, the relationship between An Xiaoer and him was nothing more than the relationship between a subordinate and a superior, so the motive was also unlikely!

I can only blame this world, there is something called a coincidence, if it wasn't because Mo Shenlie felt that Chu Qingye was Mo Qingge's boyfriend, but was being led by his sister to date other women, An Xiaoer wouldn't be so Crap!

Mo Shenhan looked at the document, and finally felt bored, clicked the cross, and closed the mailbox, thinking to himself: If Mo Shenlie knew, in fact, before making a bet with him, he would have already had something with An Xiaoer I don't know if I will be pissed off!

(End of this chapter)

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