Chapter 156
If Mo Shenlie knew that the bet was actually that he was played by Mo Shenhan, it would probably be more unbearable for him than being pissed off to death!
After Mo Shenlie explained these things and asked people to do them well, he returned to the Mo family proudly.

What about Mo Shenhan?

Suddenly, she wanted to know what An Xiaoer was doing. Since she didn't reply to his messages, then, she should go to her house to find someone.

After work, Mo Shenhan drove towards An Xiaoer's residence.

However, on the way, he suddenly saw a figure crawling towards the top of the taxi. Isn't that figure An Xiao'er?
Originally, I was going to find her, but I didn't expect to meet her on the way, what a coincidence!
However, it looks like a little boy got into the car just now.

Just taking a look, Mo Shenhan didn't see the little boy's appearance clearly, but he could see clearly that the one who got in was An Xiao'er.

But who was that little boy just now?
It seems that An Xiaoer is not married yet, so that child should not be An Xiaoer's child.

Is it a relative's child?
Mo Shenhan wanted to go and have a look, but there was a serious traffic jam on this road.

I want to get out of the car, but there is no place to park, but the taxi not far away has already left.

Mo Shenhan was a little helpless, honking the horn, hoping that the car in front of him would speed up, but it was really difficult to clear this one-stop lane all at once.

However, An Xiaoer's driveway not far away was not blocked, and he was able to distance himself from him very smoothly!
Mo Shenhan's temper came all at once, but he had no choice but to watch An Xiaoer get farther and farther away from him.

Mo Shenhan cursed a foul word, looked at the car running away, picked up his phone, and called An Xiaoer again.

After An Xiaoer and her son finished eating KFC, they took him home.

Not long after getting in the car, I remembered the phone call. It was Mo Shenhan's call.

Half an hour ago, I received a message from him asking where she was.

An Xiaoer did not reply.

Now, it's not because of this that you call her to trouble you, right?

An Xiaoer actually wanted to answer, but at the moment, she had a lot of questions in her mind and wanted to ask Mo Shenhan. She didn't understand that Mo Shenhan gave An Shi the qualification to join "Xi Han Yi Yu", and the requirement was that she could become An Shi What is the purpose of the future takeover.

An Xiaoer would never believe that Mo Shenhan was such a kind and helpful person. Besides, An Xiaoer had no interest in An's, yes, not at all.

An Xiaoer didn't think she had the business acumen, nor was she interested in doing business.

Right now, I want to ask Mo Shenhan a lot of questions, but since his son is here, An Xiaoer is afraid that his son will accidentally hear something later. For example, if Mo Shenhan said: An Xiaoer, we can trade.Then, let her son know that she was willing to sacrifice herself in order to help Anshi.Then, An Xiaoer will collapse.

No matter how miserable life is, An Xiaoer can accept it, but she can't accept that her son thinks her mother is that kind of person. In that case, what will her son think?He must be sad about it.

It may be detrimental to his growth.

An Xiaoer hoped that her son would grow up carefree and not be polluted by the adults' world.

So, An Xiaoer finally hung up on Mo Shenhan's call.

By the way, turn off the phone and throw the phone into the bag.

And opened the water bottle cap, "Nian Nian, are you thirsty? Drink some water."

 Happy Saturday, hahaha~
(End of this chapter)

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