Chapter 160 Mom, Go See Dad
"I'll give you two choices, one: you come down, two: I'll go up." Mo Shenhan said.

Want to use the strategy of delaying the attack?Next time, next time, next time... Who knows when An Xiaoer will be there next time!
Therefore, Mo Shenhan didn't give An Xiaoer any next chance, but directly gave her two choices and let her make a decision.

"Eh..." An Xiaoer's situation was even more difficult this time, Mo Shenhan was determined to see her!

Going down by herself, An Xiaoer was a little embarrassed, but An Xiaoer would definitely not allow Mo Shenhan to come up.

Think about it!I can't let Niannian see that she is indistinct with a man!

So, what does Rang Niannian think?How can I make my mother feel so embarrassed?

An Xiaoer gritted her teeth, looked at Mo Shenhan's two choices, and quickly chose the first one, "Don't come up, wait for me, I'll go down right away."

Mo Shenhan, it's really disgusting!

However, An Xiaoer is really worried about Nian Nian at home!How to do it?

But she didn't want to, when An Xiaoer didn't know how to talk to Nian Nian, Nian Nian didn't know when she was standing in the corner of the living room.

"Mom, are you going out? Is Mo Shenhan looking for you?" Mo Ruiyang's voice was very cold and calm.

The little boy is very gentlemanly, sensible and indifferent.

An Xiaoer looked at her son obediently standing in the corner, and was taken aback. She never expected Nian Nian to pop out like this, and asked her so calmly: Mom, do you want to go out?Is Mo Shenhan looking for you?
Oh my god, An Xiaoer's heart can't take it anymore. She's still not used to her son becoming so calm and restrained. She really can't figure out how that son who likes to be cute and silly, who loves to laugh, has changed into a different person in a short period of time. Like?
Hey, I really don't understand it~ It's hard for people to accept that my son became so sensible overnight.

However, he is his own son, that's right, he has the face of his own son, there is no doubt about it!
"Yes... yes..." An Xiaoer hesitated and nodded, she really wanted to go out, and it was indeed Mo Shenhan who wanted to find her.

Obviously Nian Nian heard it, so An Xiaoer could only nod her head and admit it. Besides, just now she was worried that she would not know how to find a reason to go out with her son, and she didn't know how to speak. Now, she doesn't need to waste her brain cells .

But, will Nian Nian know about the improper relationship between herself and Mo Shenhan?If Nian Nian knew, what should I do?

"Then you go, don't come back too late, don't worry, I will be obedient when I am at home alone, and I will not open the door to strangers."

Just when An Xiaoer was embarrassed and Nian Nian knew that she was going out, and she was still going to see her boss - Mo Shenhan, when Nian Nian was thinking wildly, the little boy said something like this to An Xiaoer Unbelievable, unbelievable, plus unbelievable words!

God!Miss you... you are so considerate and sensible, right?

An Xiaoer was immediately at a loss for words. At this moment, what could she say? She was always thinking of her, and said obediently without crying or making trouble: Mom, you can go!
And also said: He will be weird when he is alone at home, and he will not open the door to strangers!
God!Does my son have the ability to read minds, knowing what worries him and what she is thinking!

This really made An Xiaoer...embarrassed and moved!
At this time, he must go out, otherwise, it will be miserable when Mo Shenhan comes up, so An Xiaoer nodded.

 La la la~ This chapter is a collection of 4000 plus updates, please support~ Continue to vote for recommendations, and I will continue to add updates later~

(End of this chapter)

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