Chapter 161 What Are Mom and Dad Doing?
An Xiaoer nodded, picked up her bag, and was about to go out, "Then... Nian Nian... I'm going out... You are at home, be careful, if a stranger knocks on the door, don't open it, you know? If you are afraid, Just call mom, do you know mom's number?"

An Xiaoer was afraid that her son would not be able to remember, so she took out a pen and paper from her bag and wrote down her phone number.

Mo Ruiyang took it and glanced at it, "Don't worry, I'll remember it!"

An Xiaoer nodded and went out. She knew that Niannian could memorize her mobile phone number, and she was not worried about this.

However, if An Xiaoer knew that the boy in front of her was not Nian Nian, but Yang Yang, and it was the first time that Yang Yang knew her mobile phone number!
That is to say, the genius boy is just like this, after reading it once, he will remember it!An Xiao'er would probably be so frightened that her jaw would drop!

Never forget, that's how powerful it is!
Then, An Xiaoer went out, Mo Ruiyang watched her mother go out, closed the door, and ran to the balcony.

On the seventh floor, you can't see it very clearly from downstairs, but at least you can see the general idea!

Sure enough, Mo Ruiyang saw a luxury car parked downstairs, it was a Land Rover. Mo Ruiyang remembered that his father had such a car, and he had driven it before.

There are quite a lot of luxury cars in the Mo family, and there are five or six of his father's luxury cars. However, Mo Ruiyang has a good memory. He knows the make and license plate number of his father's car by heart.

It suddenly occurred to him that An Yingnian had a toy telescope. Although it was a toy, it was still useful. At least it could better see what happened downstairs.

Mo Ruiyang walked back to the room with short legs, and found the thing that he hated at the time!

Well, it seems that what An Ying read is not useless, look, at this time, it is still very useful!

On the balcony, An Xiaoer liked flowers and plants very much, and planted a lot of plants, including some green plants that were newly climbed on the security window.

Because An Xiaoer and the others were all in country M before, and it took less than half a year to come back, so there are not many green plants that are afraid of being put on the anti-theft windows, and they are very new and green.

And at this time, there was another boy, stepping on a chair, with half of his body on the window sill, holding a binoculars between his eyes, observing every bit of what happened downstairs. things.

He saw his mother's figure.

Mom looked around, looked around, found Mo Shenhan's car, and walked towards it step by step.

Dad didn't get out of the car to open the door for mom, as if he had said something to mom, after that, mom opened the door of the passenger seat and got in.

But the car didn't leave right away, it was parked downstairs.

It's a pity that the windows of the car are closed, and Mo Ruiyang can't see what the two people inside are doing.

Hey, he couldn't help sighing, why did dad's car window have a car model on it!What an old fox!
Cold old fox!
It suddenly occurred to me that it had been several days since I left the Mo Family, and wondered if Nian Nian was doing well in the Mo Family?
He shouldn't have revealed his identity, otherwise, the Mo family would have been in trouble for a long time, and they were looking for him everywhere!

It seems that the silly boy is not so stupid!
Just as Mo Ruiyang was thinking about whether An Yingnian was doing well in An's house, the phone rang at home.

Mo Ruiyang walked over to answer, who could it be?
 This chapter is an update of the recommended ticket~~~ Coax, today is the 4th update, I feel like I have to write prostration~
  However, there will be another update later, which is a rewarded update, ah~
(End of this chapter)

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