The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 162 My brother refuses to accept! ! !

Chapter 162 My brother refuses to accept! ! !

Mo Ruiyang walked over and picked up the phone. He was a little confused, whose call could it be, could it be his mother?

But isn't mom downstairs, dating dad?
Well, it doesn't have to be a date, but Mo Ruiyang hopes it's a date, and it's best to develop it, and in the end, get married.

In that way, he will have a happy family like other children, oh, and a silly little brother!

Mo Ruiyang thought about it, and answered the phone suspiciously.

"Hello?" Mo Ruiyang's voice sounded.

"Smelly, how long are you going to stay at my house?"

As soon as Mo Ruiyang answered the phone, he heard a childish voice accusing him!It's An Yingnian!

Mo Ruiyang calmed down for a while, and finally said, "Nian Nian, you should know that my father is also your father, and your mother is also my mother, so your home is also my home!"

Mo Ruiyang said this series of words calmly, a little twisted.

That means: So, I didn't stay at your house.

However, these words gave An Yingnian a headache. Is he playing tongue twisters with him?

An Yingnian pouted, very upset, "What about your parents and your mother? I said, come back quickly, I miss my mother, I want to go home, it's not fun at your house!"

"..." Mo Ruiyang didn't answer, just calm, worried about An Yingnian's IQ, he obviously didn't understand what he said.

After thinking for a while, he said to An Yingnian, "Brother, you have to stay in the Mo family, observe the situation, analyze why father and mother don't get married, why don't you know that we both exist at the same time, so you have to stay in the Mo family. "

An Yingnian was puzzled, "Oh, I don't know why Mom and Dad didn't get married."

In the past few days in the Mo family, he wanted to go out to play, but he couldn't, and he had no one to play with him. It was really boring.

God knows, this afternoon, he finally met his third uncle home, and he pestered his third uncle to take him to play before he could go out. However, he asked his third uncle to take him to their kindergarten because he originally wanted to wait for Yangyang to leave school. Come out, and take advantage of third uncle's inattention, and exchange it with Yangyang.

But who knew that Yangyang was so "uncute" that he could not wait for him for a long time, and finally he could only be ashamed, and after playing with the third uncle for a while, he went back to Mo's house!

Yangyang must also dislike school just like him, so she skipped class, An Ying thought.

The fact is: when Nian Nian went, it was really a coincidence, Yang Yang was because her grandmother was going to settle down, and An Xiaoer was worried, so she simply asked for leave.So, Yangyang didn't go to school at all in the afternoon.

"No, what did you say? What nonsense, who is your younger brother? I want to be an older brother, do you understand?!" Because of what Mo Ruiyang said, An Yingnian started to think about other things. After realizing it, Mo Ruiyang seemed to be calling himself just now: Brother, you want to be in the Mo family...

Hold the grass, when did he become a younger brother? !An Ying refused to accept it!
"Whoever was born first will be the elder brother, but we don't know who was born first, and it's only a few minutes earlier, so whoever is smarter will be the elder brother." Mo Ruiyang explained very unkindly.

Now An Ying was confused, "It seems to make sense, but are you sure you are smarter than me? If you are smart, why do you play truant? Don't you just play truant because you hate school? Although I hate school, I at least No skipping class!"

 Aww~ The 5th update~ I think you guys will enjoy it more than usual~ Hehehe~
(End of this chapter)

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