The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 164 Whoever is smart and who has good grades is the elder brother

Chapter 164 Whoever is smart and who has good grades is the elder brother

"Do you still have a reputation?" Mo Ruiyang said such a rhetorical question, very indifferently.


Now, An Yingnian was speechless, she gritted her teeth secretly, Mo Ruiyang was really going to piss him off!

"Mo Ruiyang, did someone tell you that your mouth is very poisonous!" An Yingnian said angrily!
I can't find anything else to say, so I can only say this, which can be regarded as telling the truth. Anyway, An Yingnian thinks that Mo Ruiyang is really very poisonous!
He can always be so angry that he can't speak.

"No." Mo Ruiyang replied.

Is he venomous?He doesn't think so, what he said is obviously the truth, okay?
Besides, he usually doesn't talk very much, so no one will think he's venomous, saying he's aloof.

Two little boys, facing the phone, just like this, you talk to each other with great interest.

Their current state -


A bit like……

The way An Xiaoer and Mo Shenhan are talking...

It really is a miniature version of this pair of enemies!

Mo Ruiyang was silent for a while, then continued, "An Yingnian, you said you failed all the exams, are you sure you still have a reputation? Also, I want to tell you that I didn't play truant, I can only blame you You are unlucky, I just asked for leave this afternoon, and even if you are lucky, I will tell you that it is most suitable for you to stay in the Mo family, my dear brother."

"..." An Yingnian was speechless. Now, she admitted in her heart that Mo Ruiyang said he was long-winded.

However, he still refused to accept it, "Where am I not famous? You said it as if your grades are very good. Also, I am not a younger brother, why do you think that you are smarter than me?!!!"

Mo Ruiyang was facing the phone, with a wicked smile on his lips, "You mean, if I'm smarter than you, I'm the elder brother?"

After saying this, he paused for a few seconds, wanting to wait for An Yingnian's reaction.

After that, before An Yingnian could answer, he added, "However, my grades are not good."

Originally, An Yingnian was a little worried when he heard Mo Ruiyang ask him like that: Whoever is smart will be an elder brother.

Because, what if Mo Ruiyang is really smart and has good grades?
Fortunately, An Yingnian was relieved when she heard the words he added later, "Yes! Whoever is smart is the elder brother, and whoever has good grades is the elder brother."

An Yingnian nodded unceremoniously in agreement.

The arc of Mo Ruiyang's lips deepened, exactly the same as Mo Shenhan's, "Well, then it's settled."

An Yingnian was puzzled, what does Mo Ruiyang mean?
I saw Mo Ruiyang said, "I got full marks in your last exam paper. Chinese, math, and English were all [-] points."

In the last exam paper, Mo Ruiyang was very rude and did everything correctly. Because of this, the teacher and classmates, and An Xiaoer even more.

An Xiaoer was dumbfounded because of this, and was stunned for a long time!
Also, Xiaohong, whom An Yingnian liked before, ignored An Yingnian because of her poor grades. Since Mo Ruiyang got [-]% in the exam, Xiaohong circled around him every day. non-stop.

Back then, An Yingnian, who was looked down upon by many classmates, suddenly became the most popular character in their class, and her identity and status were reversed all of a sudden!
"What, what?" An Yingnian heard Mo Ruiyang say that he had scored [-] points in the test, and he had scored [-] points in Chinese, Mathematics, and English, and his jaw was about to drop.

(End of this chapter)

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