Chapter 165 The Girl An Yingnian Likes
"What, what?" An Yingnian was so shocked that her jaw almost dropped, her mouth opened wide!

This is impossible, Mo Ruiyang must be lying to him, how could he get full marks in all subjects?
You know, it's extremely rare for An Yingnian to get sixty points in the exam!
"Mo Ruiyang, bragging has to be done!" An Yingnian said in disbelief.

Anyway, I just don't believe that Mo Ruiyang will get [-] points in the test. Besides, didn't he just say that his grades are not good?

How can a person with poor grades get [-]% in the exam? !
Anyway, An Yingnian just didn't believe it, very much!

"An Yingnian, are you wrong? I've only heard that bragging requires drafting. When did it become bragging and drafting?"

Mo Ruiyang heard very clearly that the scumbag An Yingnian said, "Blowing a bragging is also a grass", and immediately knew that he didn't remember the whole proverb, and then only missed a word.

"Really?" An Yingnian felt a little guilty when Mo Ruiyang said it.Or draft it?

Anyway, An Yingnian's understanding is that if there is a cow on the grassland, if you want to blow it away, you should hit the grass.

How did it become a draft?

"Well, that's right, the meaning of this sentence is roughly that before talking big, you should make up the bragging content on the draft paper, so that it can be justified and believed!" Mo Ruiyang patiently explained.

At the same time, I was worried about An Yingnian's IQ.

It's enough to be a scumbag like this!

An Yingnian was said by Mo Ruiyang. After thinking about it, it seemed that he was bragging and didn't make a draft. What he said was more like it. His previous understanding seemed wrong.

He doesn't know how to use proverbs, and he uses them indiscriminately. It's really embarrassing!

An Yingnian's face immediately turned red, "Mo Ruiyang, you misheard me, what I just said is: don't write drafts for bragging!"

Well, it's just playing tricks, An Yingnian is so cheeky not to admit it.

Aww~ He hadn't heard the phrase "bragging without drafting" before, but he just remembered what Uncle San said, and An Yingnian just remembered it.

Then, start to install B.

However, this B is not just pretending to be ashamed!Therefore, An Yingnian could only play tricks.

"..." Mo Ruiyang was a little helpless. He had heard clearly just now, and it was obvious that An Yingnian had made a mistake, and he was still quibbling. How cunning!

However, An Ying was cunning, and Mo Ruiyang was not stupid. He said, "Brother, it's wrong to lie to a child. Girls will not like a dishonest child. Do you like Xiaohong? What do you think?" , if I..."


An Yingnian became anxious when she heard this, and interrupted Mo Ruiyang's words.

"Isn't it okay if I'm wrong? Well, well, I admit that I did say the wrong idiom, but I can remember more than half of it, which is already very good, okay? You should praise me!"

An Yingnian complained aggrievedly, ah, he was really worried that Mo Ruiyang would do something bad and ruin his image in Xiaohong's heart!
"Hmph, count you acquainted."

Mo Ruiyang smiled smugly, the little boy's brows and eyes already had a bit of arrogance, and he began to know how to grasp the opponent's weakness in order to subdue him!

"..." After suffering a loss, An Yingnian was very unwilling.

"Mo Ruiyang, don't change the subject. What we are talking about is that whoever is smart and who has good grades is the elder brother. Although you can use the phrase "bragging and drafting", you are not necessarily smarter than me. Yes, what if you lied to me? I don't believe you got [-]% in the test!"

(End of this chapter)

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