The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 166 The Awesomeness of Mo Ruiyang, the Scholar

Chapter 166 The Awesomeness of Mo Ruiyang, the Scholar

"I don't believe you can get [-] points in the test!" An Yingnian said, "Besides, didn't you just say that your grades are not good? Can people with bad grades get [-] points in the test? You lied to me, lied to me My people are not qualified to be my elder brother!"

An Ying refused to accept it, and accused Mo Shenhan.

Anyway, he wouldn't easily agree to let Mo Ruiyang be his elder brother, they are obviously the same age, besides, who knows if he is an elder brother?What if he is the older brother?
Therefore, all kinds of excuses were found to prevaricate, that is, to refuse Mo Ruiyang to be his brother!
He is the brother!He wants to be Mo Ruiyang's elder brother, not his younger brother!
Mo Shenhan originally thought that An Yingnian was the stupid kind who could be easily fooled.

Unexpectedly, he is also very smart!

He actually knew and said: He lied to him, so he is not qualified to be an elder brother!
It seems that he is not as stupid as he imagined!
However, Mo Ruiyang would not be choked to death by this sentence. He said with a righteous face, "Yeah, I don't think I'm good at studying. I have some high numbers, but I don't know."

There is no limit to learning~ How dare he claim that he has good grades, how dare he claim that he is good at studying?

Moreover, Mo Ruiyang has only completed high school courses, and his definition of advanced mathematics is still very vague and he doesn't quite understand it.

"Oh, so you don't know anything? But what is a high number? Is it a relatively large number?"

An Yingnian, who was still in kindergarten, naturally didn't know what advanced mathematics was, so she scratched her head and asked puzzledly.

Many years later, when An Yingnian thought of what Mo Shenhan said, she had only one thought, which was to shoot him to death!

Damn, I came here later anyway, Mo Ruiyang was just pretending at that time!What's more, she is obviously very embarrassing, but she still has to pretend to be very humble!

This is awesome!Give full marks!

But the five-year-old boy didn't know what advanced numbers were at all, so he could only scratch his head and asked that kind of idiotic question in confusion: 'Is a high number a number with a relatively large number? '

Oh my god, I just remember that when An Yingnian thought about today, her whole body collapsed, feeling like a mess in the wind.

What a shame!

"..." Mo Ruiyang was once again ashamed of being understood by An Ying's "literal meaning". He was extremely helpless and could only explain:
"Broadly speaking, mathematics other than elementary mathematics is advanced mathematics, and there are also those who call the more in-depth algebra, geometry, and simple set theory and logic in middle school as intermediate mathematics, and regard them as elementary mathematics and primary mathematics in primary and secondary schools. The transition to higher mathematics at the college level.

It is generally believed that advanced mathematics is a basic subject formed by calculus, more in-depth algebra, geometry and the intersecting content between them.

Main contents include: Limits, Calculus, Analytic Geometry of Space and Vector Algebra, Series, Ordinary Differential Equations..."

Because Mo Ruiyang couldn't stand An Yingnian's idiot, he finally made a big deal out of it.

But An Yingnian seemed to be listening to Martian texts, she was completely dumbfounded all of a sudden!

What the hell is Mo Ruiyang talking about!

"Stop stop! Mo Ruiyang, you are enough! What the hell are you talking about? I haven't even memorized the multiplication formula. I don't want to memorize these ghost things you said!"

An Yingnian completely collapsed!Mo Ruiyang was simply torturing him!

"Well, I think even if you want to remember, you may not remember it, because you are too stupid." Mo Ruiyang said such a sentence coldly, it could have choked An Ying to death!
(End of this chapter)

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